
Showing posts from January, 2015

We will be unbroken!

Monday, January 12th, 2015 Unbroken Just finished reading the book Unbroken and all I can say is...  Wow!Wow! Wow!  This is a story of survival, resilience and redemption. Reading it will make me more resilient, no more complaining from me, I have absolutely nothing to complain about. If you have a chance the book is called , Unbroken and you can find it in most book stores and on line. A riveting story of faith and courage.  Settling In We we had three days last week and I thank you for greeting the kids which such enthusiasm and for making sure your kids know the rules of the school and your class.  NR rule- No running NH - NH rule- no hats - no hoodies except on Fridays Rules are so much easier to enforce when you are in the class when the bells rings. Ensuring your kids are out of your classroom when they/you head out for recess helps to enforce the guidelines for conduct. Of course our Spirit rule makes all rules work- calm and cool, calm and cool......that is what