
Showing posts from January, 2022

ADHD in Teens

ADHD in teens.  I am super sensitive to rejection I forget tons of important things Tiny tasks seem insurmountable People say I forget because I don't care- but I do care I lose important things I constantly regret things I have said or done. I speak or act without thinking and involuntarily upset people I often imagine clues that people dont like me I start tons of projects and don't finish any of them I have tons of anxiety and trouble sleeping This is how an ADHD brain works. You can see that it would be very frustarting to be ADHD. Outreach is designed to take away many of the triggers for ADHD, but not all of them. This is a good to know piece, building relationship solves many of these problems that come with ADHD. You are their reminder, you are their constant, you take nothing personally, you don't judge, you chunk tasks in tiny pieces. You work with ADHD teens and you know it has to look different for them.  Staffing We welcome Bonnie and Leah back. Your health is

Batch it!

  My new phrase is, Batch it!  I have downloaded a new app entitled, Blinkist. It summarizes  a book into about 8 minutes. It gives me a chance to decide whether I'd like to read that book or not. Sapiens is one book summary I listened to.  That is a book I would like to read in its entirety. If you spread your arms out wide to envision the history of the world, where would you imagine people came into existence? At your right elbow, your left shoulder? Guess. Actually you'd need a microscope on the end of your finger to see when humaity began. Isn't that wild.  Another book book about organizing your life talked of "Batching it." He said he really doesn't like to work hard all the time, so he  , " BATCHES IT." Sets the timer for 42 minutes and goes hard at an activity with no interruptions. He then takes a 12 minute break then goes back at it for another 42 minutes uniterrupted. He does his hard work in batches. Early morning is when you have the mo
  Top 12 'drag you down, get in  the way of good things ' thoughts to eliminate from your day... Amazingly many of these originate from your PHONE use. Think about it.... how often are you on that phone each day! Even at your work place. ( we give students trouble for it, yet we are on our phones constantly and we shouldn't be. )  Defeatist  (accepting, expecting, or being resigned to defeat) Cynical  (contemptuously distrustful of human nature and motives) Blame/ Fault  (who cares? what are we going to do now?) Vindictive  (seeking revenge) Regretful  (it’s done ...  what can I learn and what am I going to do now ? Wishful  (do what you can to influence the project/ situation/ deal and keep moving) Self-pity  (get over yourself ... no excuses ... no drama... no complaints ...  here's how ) Worrisome  (it won't help, costs time, and can drag you down) Jealous  (want it?  earn it ) Pre-argumentative  (the imaginary argument you have to prepare yourself for the argume