Top 12 'drag you down, get in the way of good things' thoughts to eliminate from your day... Amazingly many of these originate from your PHONE use. Think about it.... how often are you on that phone each day! Even at your work place. ( we give students trouble for it, yet we are on our phones constantly and we shouldn't be.

  1. Defeatist (accepting, expecting, or being resigned to defeat)
  2. Cynical (contemptuously distrustful of human nature and motives)
  3. Blame/ Fault (who cares? what are we going to do now?)
  4. Vindictive (seeking revenge)
  5. Regretful (it’s done ... what can I learn and what am I going to do now?
  6. Wishful (do what you can to influence the project/ situation/ deal and keep moving)
  7. Self-pity (get over yourself ... no excuses ... no drama... no complaints ... here's how)
  8. Worrisome (it won't help, costs time, and can drag you down)
  9. Jealous (want it? earn it)
  10. Pre-argumentative (the imaginary argument you have to prepare yourself for the argument that may never happen)
  11. Post-argumentative (the imaginary argument you have where you're quicker than you were in the actual argument)
  12. Procrastinatory (if you're going to procrastinate, it makes sense to do something fun instead of thinking about how bad it is that you're procrastinating)

Eliminating wasteful thoughts might be impossible but minimizing them (and their impact) is completely doable.

An approach to beating these drag you down thoughts...

  • Recognize them when they come up.
  • Remind yourself they're a costly distraction.
  • Redirect your thinking (and/or doing) to something useful.
  • Put your phone away for a prescribed time. Is it your addiction? 
  • 99% of your worries don't come to fruition don't waste your time with them. 


We are all here this week.
Leadership meeting is on Wednesday morning. Chad, Sean and I will be involved in that. 

What is happening/what do you need to know

  1. Space heaters- always turn these off when you leave our buildings. They are a fire hazard.
  2. Covid- Medical grade masks ( heavier gauge masks) and rapid testing supplies are supposed to be coming to schools. When this will happen no one is quite sure. Would be great if they came today. 
  3. New Covid flowchart is in use. Take a peek at it. 
  4. Diplomas are cancelled- we are sending them back, no one can write not even mature students. Be sure to get your student marks in by the deadlkine so these kids will be exempted form their diplomas, please double check. 
  5. First Aide will take place for our La Crete students in January and High Level students in February. 
  6. Wellness Sessions will start in La Crete this month. I am meeting with the gals this Thursday to organize it. 
  7. Alex is doing Korean cooking this week in both locations- ROCKSTAR! Thanks Alex for all the prep that has gone into this course. Can't wait to sample the fixins. 
  8. New registrations- You can predict that there will be new registartions with semester change. Stuidents will be going both ways. Our students heading back to High Schools and High School students coming back to us. We know this happens every year. We welocme each student and let family know this can go two ways- student embraces the freedom and flies with it or the student does absolutely nothing. They choose. 
  9. Additional notes will be added from the LTM notes we receive tomorrow. 


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