
Showing posts from February, 2019

Kids These Days

Mike has purchased Jody Carrington's book, Kids These Days, for every FVSD employee. What a great way to get us all on board. The books  will be handed out to you this week. Jody wants us to look after ourselves, so we can look after others. We do holy work, she wants us to refocus on supporting each other in our work. I can't wait to read this book!!  Just love learning something everyday. Thank you so much Thanks to the teachers and Eva and Bonnie who joined us in parent teacher interviews. We had ten parents out in High Level and three or four in La Crete. Our parents are catching on!  Thank you to Jennifer who is managing the girls taking their Health Care aide Program in Fort. Those girls are always asking questions and they can consume a lot of time but Jennifer looks after them with grace. Thanks to Jenine. I went out to Rainbow on Friday. She has been so patient with us not being out there with Chris being away. It can get lonely! However that group of kids

Kindness Costs Nothing

Met so many kind people on the break. What a difference kind people make in your day. These are just some of the things they did. My hands were full with grandbaby and huge diaper bag- cleaning lady let me in my room. carrying so many things and a woman offered to help carry some of my items to the car. Waiter was just so observant and caring People in the elevator just saying , hello and holding open the door. They started the ripple effect, then I watched out for others who needed a hand too.  This is the way Learning Stores work too.  We aren't sickly kind, we are just kind, and everyone appreciates that. Staffing We are happy to welcome Chris back with us today. We have sure missed him and are thrilled to have all our staff back with us after this break.  Anne- High Level- Tuesday- Remember today is Tuesday Wed- Fort Am - La Crete - parent teacher interviews Thursday- High Level- parent teacher interviews Friday- TBA. Annelise is out t

February Comes in Like a Sabre Toothed Tiger

Wishing this cold away. Our students can't get to school when it is this cold.  When I was little we had snow days or ice days. We skated to school on an ice day. It was the best! Still remember gliding down hills then using trees to stop us. Hoping our students have fun stories to tell, as each of us does. Today is the day to tell those kind of stories!  This is a great week to catch up and give one on one assistance to those who show. Staffing We are figuring staffing out in High Level. It has not been easy. But we cover for people when they need us, that's just who we are.  Allan Spelrem is in today switching to today and he will be off on Thursday and Friday. Bonnie is out today. Leah will cover the front for us for the day.  I am at an LTM in La Crete until 8:00 tonight! Ugh!  I'm sorry... I meant, "Yeah, so looking forward to the day!" Almost convinced myself!  Our sub, Crystal, can only work till 11:30 each day. She has been fabulous for