
Showing posts from March, 2018

Hop to it!

Move it Or lose it!  Your health is priority one. Do you look after your health? A doctor talked to Steve and I about things that happen to your body as you age with diabetes, but what he said next was the most worrying. He said, "When those start to happen they are irreversible." There is no getting your eyesight back, there is no regeneration of your kidneys or limbs. Those conditions are irreversible. Interesting that we think there is a fix for everything, but aging is irreversible. So let's do the best job we can in looking after ourselves. Getting moving is the absolute key. My Mom who is 79 walks 7 km a day. That keeps her spry. Do you exercise? Being a healthy Mom, dad, grandpa, grandma for your kids, niece or grandkids is the best gift you can give.  Hop to it!  Thank you Thanks to La Crete learning Store and Lisa for organizing two Red Cross workshops, one in La Crete and one in Blue Hills. 21 students received their first aid training. The ripple eff

Speed Blog

Since we met on Friday I will do a quick summary for those who were out. It was great to get staff together. It happens so rarely but is always super when we do find the time to meet. We acknowledge all the fantastic work being done in each and every school, that's work being done by you!!! Thank you for all you do !! There is a Drug and Alcohol Administrative procedure acknowledgment form that you are to read and sign to acknowledge you are aware of it. I have them. I will bring them around to places this week. We each shared a success in our buildings. There are many its great to hear them.  Getting many more students who require IPP's. Much more work for teachers. Budget- we are slightly overspent to date.  manpower- Darren asked the question of manpower on the La Crete/Fort side. Kevin responded that they have a plan in place but are waiting to see what the governments next budget looks like, it's out in April.  Staff went over the education plan- we did a

Gorgeous morning to ya!

This weekend I was reminded of the work grade one teachers do as I went into Kelsey's classroom for a whole morning on the weekend, that's after she worked Friday evening!!! Then I shopped with her. It's St. Patrick's day on Friday, you know kids need gold coins. Gold coins aren't easy to find!!! So I say, Cheers to the elementary teachers who are always planning for their kids. They are always thinking about their class.  jenine knows that as well as Alyana is planning a wedding but is teaching at the same time so she has no time to plan her own wedding!!!  You are always planning as well, it just looks different!! So much of our planning is done in the grocery store when we bump into our students working there. Or we search them on social media wondering if they are in town. Or make contact with them during the week. Educating at Outreach looks different. We work just as hard we just work differently.  Staffing Holly is out and will be back Friday An

Too Late

Yesterday, I squished my unwilling feet into my cold lonely skates then I penguined down my driveway, across the road to the shimmery skating oval. Unsteady is a great word to describe the first few laps. Then I got my GROOVE and around I went without out the worry of falling. It was just me, the ice, the ice sculptures, the Ravens, and the snow-covered trees. I skated around and around fourteen times devoting each lap to a family member.  When I finally tettered over to the house and took my skates off my thought was, why didn't you do that at the beginning of the year? Now, it's too late... soon the days will heat up and that ice will crack and melt. So my little words of wisdom are; don't wait for the weather to be just so or your body to be feeling just right, the time will never be just right. get out there and do what you've been wanting to do, don't wait...      Staffing Holly is out for this week. Anne  Monday- High Level Tuesday- Zama am- High L