Gorgeous morning to ya!

Image result for the most difficult journey is from the head to the heart

This weekend I was reminded of the work grade one teachers do as I went into Kelsey's classroom for a whole morning on the weekend, that's after she worked Friday evening!!! Then I shopped with her. It's St. Patrick's day on Friday, you know kids need gold coins. Gold coins aren't easy to find!!! So I say, Cheers to the elementary teachers who are always planning for their kids. They are always thinking about their class.  jenine knows that as well as Alyana is planning a wedding but is teaching at the same time so she has no time to plan her own wedding!!! 

You are always planning as well, it just looks different!! So much of our planning is done in the grocery store when we bump into our students working there. Or we search them on social media wondering if they are in town. Or make contact with them during the week. Educating at Outreach looks different. We work just as hard we just work differently. 


Holly is out and will be back Friday


Tuesday- High level
Wednesday Fort pm-
Thursday-  perhaps Blue Hills am
Friday- everyone comes to High Level for the power lunch and staff meeting

Paul, Bonnie, and Lisa won't be at the staff meeting on Friday. 

Image result for the most difficult journey is from the head to the heart

Instruction and programming

Diplomas are coming up in April. You know who your students are who are writing so please prepare them for those tests. They are your students to prepare. 

Secretarial review- The division is reviewing secretarial time and duties. This hasn't been done ever, that I know of, so this will help some schools and perhaps others will lose. Let's see what they come up with. Bonnie and Eva created outlines of what they do, last year, so we will use those documents to submit to central as well as hours assigned each position. 

Note there is no travel for family medical that travel day would be counted as a family medical day. You have three family medical days.

Grade nines are writing PATS in May and June. We will seek exemptions for those we know can't write otherwise the nines will all write the PATS. 

New Drugs and alcohol guideline developed by the division. We will ask each of you read then sign this document as our staff meeting this Friday. 

Thanks to all who gave feedback on the new calendar. 

Solaro there is a webinar we are invited to learn more about using Solaro to assist our students. We have ten passwords we can use. 

TQS there is a new TQS we will show staff on Friday it is very different from the last. There will be lots of PD around this new document. 

Biology diploma- We have one student who will be ready to write this diploma in April are there any others???? 

Staff meeting- I'm giving you lots of notice that I will be asking you two questions on Friday.

What's new and good in your life?

What success have you had with a student?

Diploma markers for the summer- Are you interested??

Overdrive- division has the use of a digital library where books can be downloaded. Scot Leys is the contact for this. 

September PD day next year will be moved to September 28th, we will see how that affects our OEC conference. 

GPRC is planning on presenting at our schools in March. I also have a call into Meredith from Nait, she will call me back today. She is traveling to Yellowknife and wants to drop in. 

Image result for the most difficult journey is from the head to the heart

Enjoy your week! 



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