
Showing posts from September, 2019


This week in our CRM's we talked about our students and assigned actions to several. We are starting to figure this out;  people are coming forward to volunteer to do that action. In the past, we sat back waiting to see who might be assigned. Now, you are developing relationship with these students and are saying, " I can do that, I know her pretty well." or " I'd like to try to make contact with him, I have a soft spot for him."  That is the way CRM's are supposed to function, thank you for stepping up. CRM's ground us for the month to come. No kid is falling through the cracks without us grabbing his or her arm and trying to pulling him back on track. Wow! Cliche ville there! All English teachers are cringing!  Congratulations Congratulations to Eva, Bonnie, Dean and Jenine. The numbers in our buildings are finalized, that is a lot of work for you and we appreciate your patience.  Congratulations to Chad and Liz for such great numbers at

Everyone is a Leader

There is something to learn from everyone we meet or listen to.We take form them what we need to take from them. We had a chance to listen to Jimmy and we take what we need from his words. I rumbled with him at LTM did not agree with everything but there were some interesting things that stuck. What stuck with you?  In our schools... Do your words inspire others for success or shame? Are your words pulling us together?  Do your actions result in wellness or weariness? Do you dismiss the needs of others? Do you dismiss the gifts of others?  Wherever we are in our school culture, we are moving towards being champs in our schools. Purposeful champs, sometime I think it just happens that we are champs to our students,and we don't even know what we did. All of that great stuff you do is appreciated and now we need to note it. What is it we do that makes us champs? What is it that is average and can be improved upon? Let's Celebrate!  Several years ago Dean Wheeler b

Every Student. Every Day.Whatever it takes.

Jimmy Casas is our speaker on Friday. Don'y miss him! Our division has been getting some excellent speakers to inspire us in the fabulous work we do. In Outreach we know every kid has a story just as each of us has a story. His book Culturize reveals how schools that embody kindness, honesty and compassion can exceed academic standards and reach those who seem unreachable. Sounds like Learning Stores. Each one of us has kids who will come to us, that's your kid, they have chosen you. You have a responsibility to engage that student, after all he has chosen you!  Jimmy will get into it! He will have us thinking deeply. We will take something from that day that we can use on Monday.  We will all sit together on that day. Last row as you enter on the left, in the back.  Staffing Why are people so tired in April? Cause they just finished a 31 day March. ha ha ha Paris told us that one. So funny! He is doing really well. Doctors are saying he is cancer free. We will

The Truth is...

The Truth is... We are down numbers in Learning Stores, we always are this time of year. Soon we will shake the sugartrees and find those sitting on couches.  Home Education is up many students. Their numbers have doubled, families trust Chad and are seeking a local program.  Some kids don't belong with us ie:Some Jr. High kids need to be in a large school where they have a teacher guiding them every minute. We are happy to suggest they go the the public school.  That was a very long first, short week. We are going to make it work without a math/ sciences teacher in High Level however we will never stop asking for one.  The staff at Learning Stores know so many kids stories. I could say the name of a student and you'd be able to tell me five things about him/her right a way. You know your students.  It is going to be a great year. We know calm is cool at Learning Stores and we live it. Not much can rattle a Learning Store educator we are solid as a rock. St

First Day Excitement

It's the first day back after a prolonged break for some. I say that because we ( Outreach) worked right up until the last day in June, that wasn't so for all schools.  Please recognize that today is will be an anxious day for many students. Shy students will have a hard time today, they will just want this day to be over with. For some students the summer has been marvelous and for some it's been eventful in a negative way. Kindness will get them back on track.  A reminder that we are not doing up plans for all students today. We are giving them a quick course package and sending them on their way. Next week or later this week we will sit down and take a look at what core courses they need. This way we will have time for everyone and won't make any hasty decisions about students core courses. We want to encourage students that they are in the right place. Everyone is assisting in registering students today. We want a picture of each student for our CRM