First Day Excitement

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It's the first day back after a prolonged break for some. I say that because we ( Outreach) worked right up until the last day in June, that wasn't so for all schools. 

Please recognize that today is will be an anxious day for many students. Shy students will have a hard time today, they will just want this day to be over with. For some students the summer has been marvelous and for some it's been eventful in a negative way. Kindness will get them back on track. 

A reminder that we are not doing up plans for all students today. We are giving them a quick course package and sending them on their way. Next week or later this week we will sit down and take a look at what core courses they need. This way we will have time for everyone and won't make any hasty decisions about students core courses. We want to encourage students that they are in the right place. Everyone is assisting in registering students today. We want a picture of each student for our CRM meetings. These pictures are taken on our school i phones. Remember that we have dual student opportunities. 

Thank yous

Holly took on the role of teacher, counselor, grad coach, educational assistant and at times secretary during the last month of June. Thank God for her! When Chris left he left all of his work to do too! Holly's attitude was "getter' done" and we did. Kids graduated because of her persistence and guidance! What a year it was and thank god that Holly was there to lead the way with the grads in High Level. You are a rockstar Holly. 

Get To Know You Nights

Dean and I will be doing Forts next week. 
Chad has a table for Northern Home in La Crete. I believe that's tomorrow. 
Not doing it in High Level we are too short handed and it's too soon in the week. Our energy will be concentrated in our schools. I will need to send in numbers to central on Friday. I will be calling you. Will actually need to send in a number today as well. 


We have not filled the TA position in Fort instead Dean a teacher has been assigned to that location. 10 of those hours have been assigned to Eva and Holly.  

OEC Conference 

Details will be finalized throughout the week. If you are not able to go just let me know. 

Evacuation procedures/lockdowns

We will post the evacuation routes in each of our buildings and muster points. Lockdown procedures will be designed as well. 

Diploma Dilemas 

Today i will spend an hour calling Alberta Ed to build a case for our students exemptions in June. Ten students have not yet been approved. 


Blast starts today in High Level. Students will build a deck at our location in High Level. 


CRM's will take place the last week of each month. That will be hard scheduled in. 
High Levels CRM will be Tuesday, September 24th. La Crete's Wednesday September 25th. Dean and Jenine will have theirs when I come out. Rainbows will be September 27th. 


Bonnie has signed people up in roles. We care going to be vigilant with ADLC course completion. Jenine has had students on ADLC she will be able to help us with questions i am sure.

Junior High

There is a document to give Junior high parents. They need to know we expect course completion. Student must work in the school one day a week if possible. 

Reading 15 and 25

These are options. 

Feeding Kids

Dr. Jody Carrington says feeding kids is the way to put their lids back on. Soooo I have a ton of granola bars etc... to hand out to schools. They were half price of what we would have paid here, crazy! Alex I have La Crete's stash if you'd like to pick it up when you have your meeting. 

Enjoy your start, please let me know if you need anything. We need to look after you!!!


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