
Showing posts from April, 2021

Last Week of April

We  build character with our students. This anonymous piece of writing resonated with me. Would be great to hang somewhere for our kids to read, the bathroom perhaps.  If you're thankful, show it. If you love someone, tell them. If you are wrong fess up. If you're confused, ask a question. If you learm something, teach others. If you are stuck, ask for help. If you make a mistake, apologize. If you trip , get back up. If someone needs help, help them. If you see wrong take a stance. Some Notes *Grads-  Our grads are in limbo right now. Just waiting to see what outdoor numbers will be for gatherings. If they are confused and worried, we can't eliviate that for a bit yet.  * All High Level Schools have clsses that are out, we are still running normally in High Level. The students who did have covid had not been into the school, phew.  Everyone gets a turn, keep our fingers crossed that we skip this turn, pass go and collect $500.  * Had the opportunity to get some FNMI money