
Showing posts from April, 2019

It Hurts

We have become experts  at knowing our kids. Knowing what they like, what worries them, what they wish for. We celebrate with them when things are going well. We also, suffer with them when things are bad.  One of our full-time students, Paris was diagnosed last week with Hodgkins Lymphoma a blood adrenal cancer, stage 3. They can't start cheemo as there are fishy spots on his lungs, and they don't like that at all.  They want to check that out more.  We are wrapping  around Paris and his family.  Needless to say we are devastated by this news. We would see him every day, he had a joke for us without fail. He made us laugh everyday!  So now, we are going to text him jokes each day and bug him with jokes as he did us. The hospital staff will love him, he will be their blessing as he is ours.  Paris finished all of his grade 10 year by March so he is happy to not have to open a book while in hospital. He gets to play his video games!  We know our kids well and we celebrate

Wednesday Morning Blog!

I don't ever recall a Wednesday Morning Blog!  Hoping your holiday was fabulous. Relaxing is fabulous, organizing is fabulous, getting your mind and body in order is fabulous, painting and renovating is fabulous, spending time with your kids is fabulous, spending time with grandkids is fabulous, getting a sunburn in the tropics is fabulous, spending time with your mom is fabulous, being on your own is fabulous.  What isn't fabulous is: Having flights cancelled for two full days,  there and back to Toronto. Do not fly Swoop! Had to pay for a night in a hotel on the way there.  Watched my first robbery in Hamilton Mall while my flight was delayed 27 hours. Well really I only saw the robbers with masks on running out the door. Should have stuck my foot out! They stole diamonds and jewels!  Paid for an extra flight on the way home to get to see my grandbaby on Easter morning. ( i wasn't waiting 27 hours in Hamilton) Plus paid a rental car drop off fee. I

So much to say...

I have tried to include what some of us will be doing for our holidays. If you can match the picture to the person I will put your name in for a gift card draw. Bonnie won last time. Perhaps it could be your time.  Bonnie and I presented at the Collaborative Response Model conference on Thursday. We only had six people in attendance, however we realize we are specialized. Those in attendance told us they really enjoyed our story and complimented us. We will share the presentation with you sometime. It hinged on the premise that all of us in Learning Stores are mentors to these kids... every single one of us has the opportunity to have someone's heart. CRM's allow us to really delve into the question, how is this student doing with us? Are they moving forward and what must we put in place for him/her to move forward.  The supports we offer in each tier assist the student to keep moving forward with academics and socio/emotionally. Bonnie and I found several resources that

Diploma Week is Here

Diploma week is getting to be a very busy time for all four schools. It used to be that only the two bigger schools were writing. Now Fort and Rainbow have students writing at all times. That is great news. Thank you to everyone who booked seatings, called students, gathered study materials, taught, motivated the kids to write and  supported them.  This week will be relaxing, we will be calm and cool. If there is a situation with diplomas we will get it solved and will err on the die of the student. If a student is 9 minutes late we will let them write. If a student breaks down while writing we will find another spot for him her to write. If a teacher has a migraine and needs to leave someone will just op in to take their place, now worries at all this week.  Staffing  Anne Monday- High level- diploma supervision and meeting with Scot Leys. Tuesday- LTM in Fort.  Wednesday- Diploma supervision in Fort am- Drive to Edmonton Pm Thursday- Edmonton with Bonnie presenting CRM