
Showing posts from September, 2014
Lovely morning everyone, Take a great look at this. Notice the little girl in the back holding the girl back. And notice the mediator... Interesting video.... Conflict resolution in action, then... the poke!!!  Our kids are needing your assistance more than ever in the weeks to come. They are hitting the wall. What I mean by that is that our new kids are not getting who we are and need to be trained more. They don't run this school- we all do. Things they need to know: no one is out to get them here, when people look at you- they aren't wanting to fight with you, not all people who whisper are whispering about you- you're actually not that interesting. Training, training and more training they need to know they are fine, they are here to learn that's their day job!! If there is a conflict... bring the kids to the office to put a puzzle together. Its not bullying its a conflict. Staffing Andrew Nicholson is in as a TA sub all week. That position will be advert
Great day everyone, I am persevering and trying the blog again!  So our blog should be short and sweet after our staff meeting last week. HUGE CONCERN- NO KIDDING!!!  No playing in the bus lanes after 2:45. I am in deep ca ca ( crap) for allowing our kids to play in and among the buses. Roger sent me a nice little email about that. So, as ca ca runs down hill.... Please do not allow kids to play in the bus area after 2:40 in the afternoon. Don't wait for a bus to arrive to move. Move out of there at 2:40. Safety first!!!  Suckers- suck! Concern is that we are giving children suckers then sending them on to their busses. A sudden stop on a bus with a sucker in mouth could be dangerous so suckers are outlawed on buses! if we see a sucker we will take it from the child and crush it with our boots. Not really but we will say put it in your back pack kids need to know this so they don't get yelled at by the bus drivers.  A cool little video to tell kids about the imp

Blog on everyone!!!

Monday memo, September 15th Good day everyone,  Bare with me i am learning a new concept and am putting out my Monday memo way early. I need to get it ingrained in my mind and the only way to do that is to actually do a blog for Monday memo now, while i have it in my brain. There are videos embedded in this be sure to click on them.  Hoping you used your weekend wisely.Instead of dredging the coming flurries which will cover our lawns in the months to come ,embrace fall in all its splendor. The crunch of the leaves, the freshness of the air being able to wear shoes! Love fall!!  Our first full week last week had you really knowing who your kids are and realizing who needs what. It is important to go over with our kids the difference between a need and a want.  Ie: i need to phone my mom.  Teacher asks_ For what reason Student says- to see if Jimmy can come over teacher- its is not that you need to phone your mom - really you want to phone mom to arrange to pla

The Thank You Song

Hopes are this will encourage us all to do things in different ways, that inspire and excite us.
Learning to use blogger is fun,fun, fun.

Teacher motivation - Justin Tarte

hey guys found this found you'd like it.

Look what's new

Staff we are becoming super tech savy and are using blogger for Monday memo now.