Great day everyone, I am persevering and trying the blog again! 

So our blog should be short and sweet after our staff meeting last week.


No playing in the bus lanes after 2:45. I am in deep ca ca ( crap) for allowing our kids to play in and among the buses. Roger sent me a nice little email about that. So, as ca ca runs down hill.... Please do not allow kids to play in the bus area after 2:40 in the afternoon. Don't wait for a bus to arrive to move. Move out of there at 2:40. Safety first!!! 

Suckers- suck! Concern is that we are giving children suckers then sending them on to their busses. A sudden stop on a bus with a sucker in mouth could be dangerous so suckers are outlawed on buses! if we see a sucker we will take it from the child and crush it with our boots. Not really but we will say put it in your back pack kids need to know this so they don't get yelled at by the bus drivers. 

A cool little video to tell kids about the importance of being safe on the bus.

Reluctant recess kids there are many- What can you do?
A) dont leave class until all of your kids are out the door and down the hall to the outside door
B) They can go to the bathroom after recess/ cause most of them just wander the halls anyway and dont even drop into the bathroom
C) Give your kids all the equipment to use, skipping ropes, show them all the stuff.
D) watch your kids on supervision why doesn't he want to go outside?
f) follow through when you tell a child to go outside- walk him her to the door please.

Lock down this week- regular one during classroom hours. please train your kids on lock downs info is in your safety pamphlet attached to your class list. 

  • School Fees are due asap. No laptops until they are paid please. We have about thirty kids still owing if it is a money issue we will send out a notice to you to give the laptop to the child. 


I am out Wednesday and Thursday as Steve is having his knee operation- yeah we have waited only one year! (sarcasm)

Grade fours are assessing kids on Monday Val is in for them.

Scott C is out for another week. We wish him a speedy recovery this has hit Scott hard and we are wishing him well. Gillian and a combination of people will be in Janelle's class until Scott returns. 

We will have a sub in Andrew's class until we hire a new TA this week.

Sheila is out Wednesday- Tyler is in

Sara is out Thursday and Friday for the beginning teachers conference. 
val is in Friday and no sub yet for Thursday as the original sub has been hired at FMCS in a term contract. 

Michelle M is out on Thursday. no sub yet either.


Balanced Lit meeting after school on Monday.

Student council presidential speeches on Thursday periods 7 and 8 depending on the number of speeches we will let you know. 

Exploratories start this Friday- Fun fun fun. Thanks for giving us your write up. 

Voting takes place this Friday Grade fours in your pod- Grade fives in the kitchen- grade sixes in the science room

Junior high career day for grade sixes on Wednesday. 

Enjoy our fall day. 



  1. Great to see you aren't giving up on this blog Anne!

    1. Not sure why the video doesn't show up on the phone

    2. It's not your blog, web browsers are different on mobile devices and they don't support plug ins. You can also put a link to the YouTube video in your blog post and they can click on the link to open it in YouTube if you want them to view it on their mobile device.

  2. Are we also having a fire drill this week? I know we talked about doing both at the staff meeting.

  3. Perseverance is key! I finally figured out how to post! I really like your background Anne. Also, I am excited to see the presidential speeches. I subbed at SNCS last year when the speeches happened and I was very impressed!

    1. Thanks for replying Cheri I am learning how to reply right now!!

  4. Good for you for trying again. I can't see a video though.

    1. Next on the list of things to do, figure out video.

  5. If we need supplies for exploratories how do we go about that?

  6. Just let sheena know whatbyou need

  7. Thanks for the encouragement perseverance pays off!

  8. I am trying this again from my desktop. Here's hoping!!

    1. Way to go girl!! There are some issues with compatibility thus my video not coming across on I phones.

  9. Nice work Anne. FYI, I am attending a meeting with North Peace tomorrow to discuss Aiden Hooka Nooza's programming and the possibility of him attending Upper Hay. Also, the elections this week will be on computer. i will send out some details as the week goes along.


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