Lovely morning everyone,

Take a great look at this. Notice the little girl in the back holding the girl back. And notice the mediator... Interesting video.... Conflict resolution in action, then... the poke!!! 

Our kids are needing your assistance more than ever in the weeks to come. They are hitting the wall. What I mean by that is that our new kids are not getting who we are and need to be trained more. They don't run this school- we all do. Things they need to know: no one is out to get them here, when people look at you- they aren't wanting to fight with you, not all people who whisper are whispering about you- you're actually not that interesting. Training, training and more training they need to know they are fine, they are here to learn that's their day job!! If there is a conflict... bring the kids to the office to put a puzzle together. Its not bullying its a conflict.


Andrew Nicholson is in as a TA sub all week. That position will be advertised on the website. 

Kim and Shane are off to Cross Country on Wednesday. I will sub in grade four Lion's Quest. Val is in for Kim. 

Kim and I are out to HASS on Thursday. Along with about six fantastic kids from the health team. We will let you know who they are.

So far that's all I have

We welcome Scott back after his illness. He has been down and out for several weeks and we know he's itching to get back to normalcy. 

What Goin On- Well here is Marvin Gaye's song by that title its a classic for those who want and need to be cultured. 

Student forum all kids are invited to attend. In the library at L2. We want their ideas and thoughts on our goals. 

We have an assembly on Wednesday, during periods 7 and 8. We will introduce the new student council. We will have sign ups for clubs. Our grade fours don't get it we will explain it further. There will be a health message and the assembly will be more student led. 

Parent council meeting is this Wednesday night. We need a representative from your class. Look into that if you don't have one. 

HASS conference on Thursday for some health team members. 

Exploratories- thanks for having so much fun with that, the kids cant stop talking about it. 

Teacher induction this Friday- Sara is being inducted. Congrats Sara. 

Balanced Lit guided reading is beginning. We know the missing piece and will do guided reading and book clubs to fill the obvious void. 

Math- Having a family fun math night next week. It will deal with finances. We will advertise it this week.

Engagement- My question to you is who is doing all the talking???? Let's adjust our lessons so we have the kids communicating clearly their ideas and thoughts and kids are learning from each other.  I am now planning differently for my Skills for Adolescence classes, its actually much more fun this way. 


Thanks to the movie volunteers- Sheena, Shane, Kim P., Gillian and  Shelly. What a busy night it was. We made $1000, paid 400 in supplies. 

Thanks to Shane for organizing the presidential speeches and the election on Friday. Hey, technology is that friend that we want to kick in the teeth sometimes - then turns around and does something nice for us. It really was a cool way to do an election we learned some things,  persevered through and ta da success at last.  Thanks to you for your patience. Thanks to Sharon , Bob and Dexter for helping us out, we needed their expertise.  We did figure out that some of us need some techno training and we will have an after school session for our people who are in that group. 

Thanks breakfast club volunteers for September: Andrew, Sheila, Tasha and Marvin. You rock and are often the first person pour kids chat with in the mornings.  

Thanks to our Kim B and Kitty who spent the weekend helping out with the Dream Big for Denise fundraiser. What a community we have here. It is exceptionally compassionate! You just don't find that everywhere! 

Thanks to Debbie, and Shane and his family for coming out to Spirit trails to work on Saturday. They used their own time for the good of our community. We meet a bunch of people we never would have. Those forestry boys are born to chop trees and build trails,( very muscular) 15  guys helped us out. It looks fabulous. You can not say," there is nothing to do in High Level," your eyes are closed if you do, or you may just be laaazzzyyyy! We say it about our kids sometimes... perhaps we are that too??? I know I am sometimes, that couch is pretty comfy! hmmmm lazy butt I can be. 

STARS- thanks to you who are looking passed the negatives are are giving stars when you see the many many positive things our kids do. They truly are a lovely group of people and so are we. 

TEAM year plans- If your team has not forwarded them to me please do so by Friday. I have to upload them to the division. 

Math team I know we have a meeting its either Monday or Tuesday. What a blast we are having planning this family math night! 

Power lunch at FMCS - We need 10 people to head over to FMCS and supervise for lunch. Please help them out and we know they will reciprocate when we get to eat Chinese food for lunch!!  There will be a list on Shelly's desk if you can assist on Tuesday noon. It is great to meet the younger kids as soon they will be ours. 

Enjoy your Autumn day. I am out to the trails to feed the workers. I find if you feed them they are happy and our trail must have happy vibes. Have to have grace. 

Enjoy your week 


  1. Just to clarify we set the Math team meeting for Tuesday.

    So impressed by the generosity of our community at Dream Big for Denise. Even when our colleagues move away they come back to support (Leann, Laureen, Sherri). We are privileged to live in such a wonderful community.



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