Blog on everyone!!!

Monday memo, September 15th

Good day everyone, 

Bare with me i am learning a new concept and am putting out my Monday memo way early.
I need to get it ingrained in my mind and the only way to do that is to actually do a blog for Monday memo now, while i have it in my brain. There are videos embedded in this be sure to click on them. 

Hoping you used your weekend wisely.Instead of dredging the coming flurries which will cover our lawns in the months to come ,embrace fall in all its splendor. The crunch of the leaves, the freshness of the air being able to wear shoes! Love fall!! 

Our first full week last week had you really knowing who your kids are and realizing who needs what. It is important to go over with our kids the difference between a need and a want.
 Ie: i need to phone my mom. 
Teacher asks_ For what reason
Student says- to see if Jimmy can come over
teacher- its is not that you need to phone your mom - really you want to phone mom to arrange to play with a friend our phones are for needs like lunches- we need food, medicine- sometimes we need that, shoes- shoes are a need. 

Knowing the difference between a need and a want in life is  necessary knowledge. 


Shane is out on Monday- to the inclusive education coordinators meeting
Sara ( sub Gillian and Michelle ) and Cheri sub ( Tyler) are out for balanced Lit on Wednesday- 
Susan out on 17th- math pd- Nicole Pottie
Tasha out for math pd-Tyler Ross
Andrew pm- Gillian , Debbie

Nice to have all our staff in place what a brilliant, fun, exciting  group of people you are. 

Thank yous

Click on that video it is meant for each of you. Now the tune is stuck in my head!!!!

Events and instruction and programming
Thursday is an early dismissal for staff meeting- We will be hearing from Sharon Barrett
and Wanda Beland from the FASD society. We will work on including some inspiring education language into our Ed Plan. 
Friday is a PD day for professional staff at HLPS and FMCS. Not sure if lunch is being served that day if not, we will make arrangements to meet for lunch. 
Student Council Election campaigning starts this Monday and ends with elections on the 26th. 
Hard schedule calendar will be out soon.
PGP meet with Shane and I sub time will be provided on the week of September 22nd. 


  1. Lunch will be provided during PD Day. Hopefully details will be out later today. Traditions did such a wonderful job during the Inspiring Ed day that they have been asked to cater for us again!

  2. I can't make a comment on the 'additions to Monday memo' as it is just a preview we recieved, so I will make it here.
    Regarding exploratories, are we going to find out what the kids will be hoping to see before Thursday? If we can that would be great, as I would like to get some sort of an idea of what to do.


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