Monday memo February 23rd

Winners of our "post what you learned while you were away for ten days are...."""


Carmen Shaw



Kim Price

The comments you made on what you learned were so insightful.  I am putting a brand new book in your mail box your you to enjoy!!! Thank you so much for commenting. 

Calm Waters, ripply waters and big waves. 

Parent teacher interviews gave us a short glimpse into our students's lives. We got some cues as to how to motivate our kids more. Cues came in the form of stories we didn't know about the family. We gave parents information about their kids they may not have known. We can see for some kids the waters are calm now and for some families they are taking big waves right now. Understanding where we each are makes all the difference in the world. 
Thanks fore the time you put into parent teacher interviews this week. Thanks to Shelly for contacting many parents. If teachers have not forwarded who attended parent teacher interviews or who they have had conversations with please do send in your list to me. I would like to calculate the percentage of contacts. 


Our thoughts are with the family of Ryder Stead his father Kirt Stead passed away this week after a long bout with cancer. The funeral is Tuesday pm. Kirt is also Fern's brother in law. We did drop off a tray of fruit and meat and cheese and a Q bear for Ryder. 


Welcome back to Marvin. Hoping the waters will calm for you soon. Getting back to normalcy is just what is needed. So glad to have you back. 

Welcome back to Shane. He got some cool ideas form his conference in Edmonton. Data matters. 

Tasha and Susan are out to Math PD on Wednesday in GP. Perry is in and so is Sara. Sara will take grade four and Perry will take grade six. help Perry out he's a newbie to the classroom. 

Debbie and Valyne are out Friday. Perry is in for Valyne's class. 

Thanks! Merci Beaucoup! dunker shane (sp)

Thanks so much to Fern for training everyone in PR. She is the master at it!!!! She has helped so many kids. If you aren't trained in PR  you will want to be, as it is the number one way to help the kids in your classroom. Each class should have some PR going on. Its easy and the results are clear, kids read better after PR. 

Thanks so much to our Science fair crew. Michelle and Wanda  and Susan who worked after school with our scientists. Valyne and Susan and Shane who organized the fair. Thanks to our judges from the community for their time. It was so calm and such a great day for kids and for us to see the results of their hard work. 

Thanks to all who coached Basketball. Our kids learned to love the game. 

Thanks to Erica for her countless hours spent on this book fair.  Its exhausting work but kids have fuller libraries now. Our kids all should have a library! 

Thanks to Debbie for her part in Positively Me. It happens Friday afternoon when we are all just exhausted, but Debbie and val Crosby work with wired pre teen girls for a hour and a half. I dare say that's a feat!! Thanks.

Thanks to all Breakfast club people. Our grade five survey form the U of A said no kids are missing breakfast - that's because they are getting food at out school. Thanks to Debbie who get all those groceries for that program and organizes everything. 

Thanks to Lilli group leaders and our small group leaders. Those kids are learning so much. You are creating a fun program for these kids. 

Things going on this week- so many great things going on

Tell Them From Me Survey- we are completing the student survey this week. We will try doing it during Lion's Quest classes but we may run over we will do our best not to take your time but.....

Tell Them From Me Staff Survey- only for teaching staff sorry- We wanted everyone to do it but Alberta Ed says only teachers. We think that sucks, but they are the bosses. We will do it Monday after school please. Please bring your laptop to the staff room and we can get it done there. We will give out your code. It takes just ten minutes and the results go directly to Alberta Ed. 

Student Council meeting Monday L1 L2.

NO assembly that next Friday March 6th 5 and 6. 

Pink Day Wednesday- - - Please please please staff wear pink!!! We need to model for these kids that we feel strongly about accepting others and being kind. En courage your kids to wear pink. Bring your own extra pink stuff for them to wear. PINK OUT!!! 

**** Positive post it notes will greet the kids when they walk in that day. So cool to sit down and think of what makes each student special to you. 

Career Day is Thursday
Again here is a chance for you to impress upon your kids the idea that setting goals for the future is a cool thing. Dressing up yourself models for them. On Monday talk about options for dress.... 

Exploartories start Friday- We need to have your exploratory write up NOW please. This is the kids favorite part of the year and we have a few community members coming in to do things that's great. 

This week  those who read the blog need to comment that you indeed did read the Monday Memo." That's all you have to say I read it. Three people will win lunch cards. 

Have a great week where you see the best in people. 


  1. I read it! Love the last quote!

  2. I read it. So cool to have Perry sub for me!!

  3. Lovely read! I believe Fern did PR with my middle son, who is turning 21 at the end if March. And Perry (a newbie?!?!?!) was principal and mentor for my oldest son, who is 25! It makes my heart warm that he will be teaching Eva on Friday! I love SNCS!

  4. I read er. Great read. The science fair was awesome. Ladies kept it calm and cool.

  5. I read it. The kids will be excited Sara will be for me on Wednesday!

  6. I have indeed read the Monday Memo.

  7. I read the memo - looking forward to having Perry back in the school!!

  8. Read it. Jump rope Friday.


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