Huddle Team Huddle

Monday Memo, February 1st, 2015

Sincere Condolences go out to the Richards family. Susan's dad, Sinclair's, funeral is on Tuesday. We are sending positive vibes to the family, its been a rough go we know and are with you, through this tough time. Can you feel our positive vibes Susan? *********** They are flowing to you and Kathryn.  

  So this morning I got the text from Shane that  Kim Price was in the hospital . And So is Sean! Talk about a weird way to get time together. Except Sean is in isolation, so Kim can't see him anyway. Do you see how that can bring a family to their knees? When I looked up from my phone there were three magpies puffed up sitting together in the sunshine, warming themselves. There it is, the inspiration for this Monday memo- Huddle Together Team. Together  with us the Price's and the Richard's can get through this time. 
Whatever you can do to ease their struggle as a team or as individuals that would be great. I even cooked and am taking a casserole over to Kim's house. ( some of you know my cooking and are thinking that's no treat- but Steve and Shaun did oversee the creation of the casserole)

Huddle Together Team and February will fly by. We will all be healthier and will have overcome this giant hump in life. 

Together We can make it through the tough times

Huge Thanks to you:

Thanks to Natalia for subbing in for Susan on Friday.

Huge thanks to Shane for handling things while I was gone. Calm is cool and I believe he modeled that for you. We are a busy school and filling in for that huge amount of time is tough, but he rocked it and my dad learned how to use an IPAD.  

Thanks to all teaching staff who just spent countless hours creating progress reports  that tell a lovely story about each student. Shane and i have read them and its a pleasure learning more about each students. Thanks for your dedication and professionalism. 

Thanks to you all for doing a great job with exploratories. Eva was so thrilled with her dream catcher. I saw others with cupcakes and Susan and Janelle's kids had a draw to the button contest. Chloe and Jordan B won.  So many skills being developed in those exploartories. Thank you for loving your exploratory.

Thanks to Shane's Mom and dad who came in to play Crib with Valyne's kids. Kids loved having them there. We now have a rent and Grandma and Grandpa !!!

Huge thanks to Fern who is getting us all trained in precision reading the best cure for below grade level readers. 

Okay so you have to watch this- seriously if you do anything today- watch this. 

Events this week

Science Busters Reading Challenge: Will take place Thursday periods 7 and 8. That will be the red pod students. Friday will be 7 & 8 and will be the green pod students. We may need to borrow a TA or two for this. 

Wednesday is Winter Walk Day. You have got to know there are some kids who haven't spend more that two minutes outside this winter. This walk is to wake us up to the fact winter is a fabulous time to get outdoors. I can't recall the periods but we will put it on the board I know Debbie told you the time. 

Tuesday Evening is our Treasure Hunt Literacy Event. We are giving away a Kobo Wi fi. It is so cool. balanced Literacy team can we please meet tomorrow at 3:45, just to go over details and costumes. 

Progress reports go out on Friday. There are a few Valentine's parties going on. For some its just a movie not a party but there are events going on in some classes Friday afternoon.  

Science fair-  Details are being finalized for the Science fair when we get back on February 20th. 

Professional Staff- You have $75 to spend in Edmonton for your class. We are poor so I had to cut it down a bit. Sorry! We are having lunch together on both days. We are booking that this week. 

Staffing-  definition-  the people we work with day in and day out and so appreciate!! 

Kim is out Monday and Tuesday. Emily is in.

We are looking for a librarian for the two days. Monday and Tuesday. 

Of course Susan is out all week.  Hallelujah Leann was able to come and sub for her best friend. What a lovely world we live in!!!  That leaves Susan with no worries at this end.

RDCD coverage on Wednesday Esther is in. 

Debbie is out Friday.

Speaking of Huddling together today is the Super Bowl

Here a great super bowl commercial for ya!! He He He!!!  Go Seattle!!! 


  1. My thoughts are with you Susan and Kim, and your families!! Sending you strength.


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