Report Card Week

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Report Card Week

A terrific way to catch up with our kids, a time to think deeply about that student and where they are going. A teacher always asks themselves , how well do i know that student. If the answer is not well, we seek to get to know them better next semester. Report Cards are valuable to the student and their families and the process is so valuable to us. We can always do better. 

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Thank Yous

Thanks so much to all of you who took in the PD last week. From chatting with you my thoughts were the sessions were valuable. 

Thanks to all who are organizing the Wing Ding in High Level this Tuesday. Many local organizations are coming in to inform our students. 

Thanks to all who made student contacts this week. Talking personally to our kids seems to make a difference. 

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We are close to hiring for the position in Fort. Monday or Tuesday I will be able to announce it. 

My records show everyone here this week. 

Anne's schedule

Monday at Central office for the results review. I am chairing a session in the morning. -  Fort Learning Store PM
Tuesday- High Level- Health Wing Ding- ( sorry Zama I know I said I would be there but I will be there Wednesday.) 
Wednesday- Zama
Thursday- La Crete am Fort PM 
Friday- High Level 

Eric in Rainbow Friday. 

Next Monday, November 20th I have a medical appointment in Grande Prairie. Eric will be acting that day.

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Post Secondary/Grad student info /parent teacher night in La crete Nov 22nd. We will finalize the plans for this on Thursday. 

Nov 23rd meeting with Alberta Education Auditors in La Crete. We will all benefit from this information. 

High Level will have a parent teacher night next week where we go visit families with fruit baskets or........... We will discuss the date this week. 

Still need to do two PGP meetings. Will get them done this week.

Parent Council Meeting in Zama on Wednesday. 

IPP's are all due this week. They need to be signed an scanned  to me. 

Dual meetings need to take place next week. Please research  how they are progressing. High School needs to know when they aren't doing anything, it affects that student's next semester of programming. 

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 Wow just read over the blog. Can you see what a weird sense of humor I have!!! I can! 

Make it your best week ever. Keep your face to the sunshine while it's around. 

Enjoy the record breaking weather 'cause you know, we are going to pay for this sometime soon!! 

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  1. Report card day in our house always created anxiety or joy depending on the grades. Mom would always say "Wait until your father sees this report card!" Her tone would indicate if we were to start making excuses or to get prepared for a reward. Dad had the final say - "No more of (whatever our pleasure was at the time) until your grades are up" or " Well look at that, no Cs - all Bs and As -- Good job and keep it up." And that was all we needed to motivate us to do better on the next report card.

  2. Oh, and just to clarify - the reward was hearing from our Dad that we had done a good job - nothing more; nothing less and we were happy.

  3. Report cards to me meant comparing with my closest friend...and trying to improve if I had a lower mark than her. Always had that friendly competition with her :-)

  4. My grade 8 teacher had a competition every week in spelling. If the student of the week got %100 he/she would receive a chocolate bar of his/her choice. (Keep in mind that this was when having a chocolate bar was a rare treat, especially for farm kids!) If even one word was spelled wrong, that student had to give the teacher a chocolate bar. I remember him putting a comment on my report card about how cheated he felt that I hadn't made a mistake in spelling yet that year. His comment was "I like my coffee...."crisp"! Jenine is keeping it from me!" Talk about inspiration to be perfect all year!

  5. Funny how practices in teaching have evolved - My grade 6 teacher would do a little drumroll and announce the students who got the top three grades in the class (I was consistently third, no big deal...). I wonder what the other students thought of this. It doesn't seem like that would go over very well in a classroom today.

  6. My final report card in Grade 6 is the most memorable of all report cards. Needless to say, I didn't do too well, and knew my parents would be very disappointed. A friend came up with the "brilliant" idea to change the computer printed grades by hand, using a black pen to write over them. (He couldn't do anything about the comments.) It almost seemed like a good idea until I saw what it looked like. I learned something from this potential disaster; if I were desperate enough to change my grades, why wouldn't I desperately work harder for better grades or comments on my next report card? Now, as a parent, I will look out for any tampered report cards with black pens.

  7. I love Paul's story! My late Grandma would wait for us at her house on report card day. If we took her the card to read, she would give each of us $20. Big money for elementary school. She never said a word about whether or not the marks were good to us. But apparently, she liked to tell my mom who needed adjustment afterwards. :) Her leverage was our financial gain. LOL


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