The Truth is...

The Truth is...

  • We are down numbers in Learning Stores, we always are this time of year. Soon we will shake the sugartrees and find those sitting on couches. 
  • Home Education is up many students. Their numbers have doubled, families trust Chad and are seeking a local program. 
  • Some kids don't belong with us ie:Some Jr. High kids need to be in a large school where they have a teacher guiding them every minute. We are happy to suggest they go the the public school. 
  • That was a very long first, short week.
  • We are going to make it work without a math/ sciences teacher in High Level however we will never stop asking for one. 
  • The staff at Learning Stores know so many kids stories. I could say the name of a student and you'd be able to tell me five things about him/her right a way. You know your students. 
  • It is going to be a great year. We know calm is cool at Learning Stores and we live it. Not much can rattle a Learning Store educator we are solid as a rock.


Crystal MacAteer is in subbing for two weeks in High Level so I can spend some time with Dean and to shore up our staffing in High Level.


Monday High Level
Tuesday Leadership meeting- Chad is out to this as well- Allan will be acting admin on this day. 
Wednesday Fort
Thursday High Level
Friday Rainbow all day

Leah is out this am.

Atrieve is up so you are able to put in absence requests. Those who are going to the conference should put in for those days. Schools are remaining open, however Educational assistants and Eva and Bonnie will help out students. 

These things are happening this week:

  • We will be asking for another count on Friday of this week.
  • A new custodian will be starting at Fort Learning Store
  • High Level students will harvest some of our veggies as the hard frosts have arrived. 
  • Many students are starting their core courses as they have completed the soft start courses. Students really enjoyed starting this way. Our start seemed calmer.
  • 20-3 is ready to roll out. We will make sure each school has switched over this week. Thanks so much to Linda, Annelise and Alex for your time in getting this course ready for students. So nice to be able to haven it early in the year. Thanks again. 
  • Diploma exemption checks- We will continue to check to see that all diploma kids have received their exemptions we have 9 students on that list.
  • Please note Upper Hay is opening a High school just as Blue Hills did. I have been assisting the teachers/admin as they ask. 
  • Dual student courses- Health Care aide etc... Please let kids know about this they can decide once they know about it. 
Thanks tons

  • Chad manned the Get To Know You Night Table at the La Crete Get To Know you Night Event. Thank you for your time Chad. 
  • Kuddos to Dean who handled his first week so well. There is a huge learning curve with our schools, however he seems to have embraced it.  
  • Thanks to Jenine for being a teacher, educational assistant, secretary and now custodian. The custodian and the complex has quit so no one is cleaning. Jenine has four full time students and a million duals. You are exactly what those kids need but we have to look after you and keep you healthy and happy too! Thanks so much for all you do! 
Enjoy the week. Sun in the day and frost at night! 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. A Note for the Math 20-3: The Assignment Booklets have been fixed and are ready to roll out as Anne mentioned, yay! We are still using the same(old) coil module books that we used last year but the updated assignment booklets should still match up. If students notice a major discrepancy please let Linda or myself know so we can check if we need to order any new coil books.


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