Speed Blog

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Since we met on Friday I will do a quick summary for those who were out. It was great to get staff together. It happens so rarely but is always super when we do find the time to meet. We acknowledge all the fantastic work being done in each and every school, that's work being done by you!!! Thank you for all you do !!

There is a Drug and Alcohol Administrative procedure acknowledgment form that you are to read and sign to acknowledge you are aware of it. I have them. I will bring them around to places this week.

We each shared a success in our buildings. There are many its great to hear them. 

Getting many more students who require IPP's. Much more work for teachers.

Budget- we are slightly overspent to date. 

manpower- Darren asked the question of manpower on the La Crete/Fort side. Kevin responded that they have a plan in place but are waiting to see what the governments next budget looks like, it's out in April. 

Staff went over the education plan- we did a check to see where we are at. Seems My pass is not getting done anywhere as it is so frustrating to get a kid on. Student portal is what works best for our 10, 11's. Grade 12s need mypass. We will see how to make it easier. 

Next years calendar has a change Easter break is one day longer and our spring break does not have a day in lieu attached anymore. 

Pd day next year is on Sept 28th. That means we will not be attending the OEC conference. We will think of a way we send groups of people to scout out outreaches throughout the year. Staff thought that would be valuable. 

We welcome back Holly. We have missed her soooo. She does so much around here. It's not okay when one of us is gone and going through some worries.

Flip Your Lid- we spoke about flipping peoples lids people flipping there own lids, triggers- making them mad. That is not the time to be having any discussions with people, we wait for them to be calm to talk things over. 

Zama- no decisions have been made at all about Zama. The board meets this week. If a decision is to be made it must be made by June or the whole process begins again. 

Solaro webinar- Today at 3:45. If you are interested in learning more about this NEW VERSION of this tool please let me know by Noon today so  I can sign you up. I will be tuning in at 3:45 in High Level. It is another tool for our kids to use to study.

Preparing for diplomas- we know who our kids are that are writing we are preparing them for success on these exams. That means teachers must contact these kids and ensure they have all they need to be successful in these exams. Diplomas have arrived and I am bringing them to each location within the next week. 

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Anne's week

Monday- High Level - CRM
Tuesday- Zama City am- High Level pm ( have an appointment for Steve with nutritionist at 3:45)
Wednesday- High Level Principal's  Meeting Noon
Thursday- Fort Vermilion FNMI advisory committee meeting all day. 
Friday- Blue Hills am- La Crete CRM meeting

That's it for this week folks, enjoy your week. This week is a full week, next week is a short week. Great time to get kids to hand in work as Spring is coming and they will soon find lots of other things to do. The push to complete is on!!! 



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