ADHD in Teens

ADHD in teens. 

  • I am super sensitive to rejection
  • I forget tons of important things
  • Tiny tasks seem insurmountable
  • People say I forget because I don't care- but I do care
  • I lose important things
  • I constantly regret things I have said or done.
  • I speak or act without thinking and involuntarily upset people
  • I often imagine clues that people dont like me
  • I start tons of projects and don't finish any of them
  • I have tons of anxiety and trouble sleeping
This is how an ADHD brain works. You can see that it would be very frustarting to be ADHD. Outreach is designed to take away many of the triggers for ADHD, but not all of them. This is a good to know piece, building relationship solves many of these problems that come with ADHD. You are their reminder, you are their constant, you take nothing personally, you don't judge, you chunk tasks in tiny pieces. You work with ADHD teens and you know it has to look different for them. 


We welcome Bonnie and Leah back. Your health is priority one! 

I am out on Thursday and Friday. Going to GP to get my tooth fixed. My cap fell off my molar and it's time to get it looked after. It is no secret I absolutely detest going to the dentist. 

We have a new custodian in La Crete. Her name is Leanne Dyck. She is out today. 

So far we have everyone else in this week. 

Things That Are Happening This Week

  • Reports are going out soon. They are due into me next Tuesday. Report cards go out on Friday, February 4th. I am thinking most people are close to being done, as you have filled in comments as you have marked modules.  
  • La Crete has their first aide this week. The class is full. Dean is acccompanying the students. Thanks Dean. 
  • Test kits are in-  If they are under 18 the kit must be picked up by a parent. I will send a couple out to La Crete. If a student wants masks we can hand a out a few to them. Our mask shipment has not arrived yet. In High Level they are in my office under lock and key. I will be sending out a message for parents to come pick them up. Rapid tests are the best thing ever wished we had them a year ago.  
  • CRM's are happening in each location. High Level's is on Wednesday. La Crete's is on Monday. I will drive out to La Crete Monday morning depending on road conditions. My drive home last Thursday was the worst, two cars went in the ditch ahead of me. The wind was wild. I know next week will be better. If not we will do a virtual CRM. 
  • Staff meeting date change. I will send out a date change for the Feb 10th staff meeting. Our High Level kids are in La Crete for first aide on that day. 
  •  PD day on Jan 31st. EA's are welcome to tune into that PD  on Monday. If you do, let us know so we can log your hours. 
  • On line Foods Course- I sent out an email re: the on line foods course. If you'd like to take it see me. Friday afternoon is open for a time to start it then you might like to take an afternoon, and go home to complete the other half. We can make this work, it is great training for us all. We will pay for it with our secratary visas. 
  • High Level has a Marketing Course going on next week. 


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