Pink shirt day this Wednesday- but what it really comes down to is.... I read this article and it is one person's view of criticism and negativity. An interesting read. It fits with our theme this week. Her last sentence does forsure... Debating is one of the best activities for adults and children to take part in. At times you are forced to take an opposing side to what you believe. You are forced to see things from another's point of view. If we taught our students this practice, it would be a great character builder. If we practiced this mode of thinking we'd benefit, how could you not? Thank yous Huge thanks goes out to Lisa who has handled the move of the Blue Hills Learning Store beautifully. We are now located in the motel. ( How cool is this, our first motel location!!) Students are enjoying the freedom from school rules and timetables and are getting work done. Lisa still requires many things such as a printer, however, we