Wellness Matters
We had a health scare this week. Nothing like a health scare to have you asking yourself, what is more important than good health? In our little neighbourhood two people have had operations in the past two weeks, one has had a stroke and Steve got an ambulance ride. So, you can see my focus this week is your health. Are you having a yearly physical? Are you taking supplements or vitamins or herbs? Do you exercise? Do you schedule fun into your life? Do you ever have calm time? Do you realize that 99% of the time the stuff we worry about will never come to fruition? Please look after your health and that of your family (pets too). Health is number one! It allows you to be you and we really like you! Our Allan is doing well. He says he is feeling better. We can't wait for his return to good health. He will be back Nov 12th. Staffing Eva Bonnie and I did not attend the Conference in Lake Louise. I could not leave this week,( still doctoring) plus there was a weather