Building Skills

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Building Skills

In each location our students differ, for instance, in High Level and Rainbow very few of our students have their learners license. In La Crete, most every students has their learners. In Fort half the population has it. Driving is a skill, a skill employers like to see on a resume. 

Leah has developed a skills sheet which High level will pilot this week. It will be put in the binder with the grad plan. It is a checklist of skills a student should have upon graduating from our schools. We are excited to use this tool to build skills in our students. With the building of skills comes a generalization of behavior, the student feels confident. Mark Twain says, " A man can not be comfortable without his own approval." In all schools our students are learning to build confidence. We are offering opportunities for that.

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Thank yous

Huge thanks to two students from High Level's school Nathan and Elora. They assisted in the completion of our deck. Now all we need is one more plus 17 day to have a dance on that deck. 

Thanks to Alex for running the Com 1005 course in la Crete last week. He always does a great job with it. 7 students took part.

Early thanks to Leah who will be completing the Fin 1010 course with me this morning. This is a course that we will be bringing to Rainbow as well. ( better ask Leah if she wants to go to Rainbow first!)

Thanks to Bonnie who is already starting to gather toys for Christmas hampers. Her event is full and there will be many happy boys and girls because of it. Hours and hours are spent with this service learning project. Our kids get to wrap those toys, fill hampers and deliver them. Everyone wins because of her hard working team. 

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It is a short week, please remember that. 

Anne- Tuesday- teaching Finance 1010 with Leah
Wednesday-  Fort PM
Thursday- Rainbow Am
Friday- High Level

So sorry La Crete, with Allan out we are doing our best to touch base where need be. Chad has been looking after La Crete, thanks Chad. Trying to make sure there is a teacher in High Level each day. 

Bonnie is out Thursday pm and Friday.

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What is up?

CRM's are happening next week as Bonnie Eva and I are going to the Powerschool conference the last week of October. Please check your school's CRm meeting summary to see that your actions are taken care of. make contact with your students you haven't seen. 

High level is on Friday 25th 9:00 am

La Crete Thursday October 24th at 3:00pm. 

We have CRM's everytime I go to Rainbow going over each student. 

Fort CRM will take place tomorrow. Dean and I will go over each student's progress. we will call Alex, Linda and Annelise when need be. 

PGP's were due last week.

Nov 12th PD everyone is to attend that, I am hearing whether we have the afternoon to meet as a staff. There are some excellent sessions in the morning including the poverty simulation. 

Zombie Bootcamp in High Level please let me know if your students are interested we will arrange bussing. 

Diplomas are coming up. Please make contact with the students writing and ask them if they want to use the chromebook to write. Also, ask them if they have all that they need to write. We are going to have some trouble covering High level for those diplomas we will put a schedule together and see how we make out. We may import people for this. 

Wellness lunches in each location. we are trying to have a wellness topic covered every two months at each location. In High Level this week we are learning about Overdosing and it's implications ( dire). 
The speaker will cover naloxone training. Let's arrange something in each location for November. 

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