Wellness Matters

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We had a health scare this week. Nothing like a health scare to have you asking yourself, what is more important than good health? In our little neighbourhood two people have had operations in the past two weeks, one has had a stroke and Steve got an ambulance ride. So, you can see my focus this week is your health. Are you having a yearly physical? Are you taking supplements or vitamins or herbs? Do you exercise? Do you schedule fun into your life? Do you ever have calm time? Do you realize that 99% of the time the stuff we worry about will never come to fruition? 

Please look after your health and that of your family (pets too). Health is number one! It allows you to be you and we really like you! 

Our Allan is doing well. He says he is feeling better. We can't wait for his return to good health. He will be back Nov 12th. 

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Eva Bonnie and I did not attend the Conference in Lake Louise. I could not leave this week,( still doctoring)  plus there was a weather warning down south for that area, lots of snow! 


Monday- High Level
Tuesday- Rainbow Lake AM
Wednesday- Fort and La Crete
Thursday- writing workshop in High Level. 
Friday- diplomas high Level or Fort for me. 

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What's going on this week?

  • Diplomas start this Friday- know who your digital writers are, diplomas were delivered on Thursday. Contact students to remind them of their diploma date. 
  • Writer's workshop in Higfh level on Thursday.
  • Results review is due this thursday.
  • Budgets are going to take a hit. Division is reviewing their budgets.Insurance costs have increased by 274%. So our school budgets will take a hit. We will wait to see how we are affected. Budgets are out the first of First week of November. 
  • CRM's are done in each location. Please take action right away as it is more effective that way. Waiting a month helps no one. 
  • New students- we are still getting new students. Each one has a story, let's be sure to follow up with them immediately to ensure they keep coming.
  • Wellness Sessions- I will be making calls to professionals in each location to offer us wellness sessions. We give kids lots of success bucks to attend in the beginning. These sessions will lead to a social literacy credit 25-3, it is a locally developed course. 
  • Due dates- please put due dates on modules you hand out. We are finding kids are sticking to the dates we set. 
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Many many thanks

  • Huge thanks to High Level's treasure Gaye Carpenter form Chinchaga Further Education. This partnership has been a blessing to our High Level location. She made the coolest Zombie lunch for our students. The students felt honored. Also, huge thanks to Holly, Bonnie and Leah they made sure everything was there for her and ran with the Zombie theme. So cool!!
  • Huge thanks to Dean. He literally has a full house with 16 kids. They are working like crazy, there will be several grads from Fort this year. 
  • Thanks to Chad. Chad is meeting with parents. He is required to have two meetings per year with parents. With numbers increasing he is busy balancing it all. 
  • Many many thanks to Jenine who has been playing janitor is her building while AHS hires someone. She's still doing it as apparently it takes a while for AHS to hire people. We all know Jenine goes over and above for the Learning Store, this is taking it just a little ( alot) outside of the job description. Jenine has also helped with some marking which has been a blessing for us in High Level. 
  • Thanks to Alex for calmly taking on the Social 10 class at LCPS. He has 26 kids and is managing things really well. 
  • PD NOV 12th at Spirit. It is for all of us. Again waiting to hear back from Karen about an Afternoon meeting with everyone at the HLLS. 

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