Teaching Students to be Frogs
Can a Frog jump backwards? No he can't t's physically imppossible for him to do so. He always moves forwards. We need to teach students to keep moving forwards. The one thing a frog can do it just stay there and not move at all. Some of our kids are doing that. A frog will move when someone comes by and startles it or when someone comes near. With students that is us. We keep them moving forward with whatever gentle way you have you keep them moving forward. I want to thank you for motivating them, reminding them of their goals and helping them to set goals. Like the students we need to keep moving forward, building new skills, trying new things, mastering old skills. We move forward. This Week Today Roger, Norman and Dan are coming to the High Level learning Store to talk about our reno . We will also be discussing the La Crete learning Stores addition of a Kitchen. Conference- I believe everyone has their ride figured out, if not see me and I will help orga