
Showing posts from September, 2015

Teaching Students to be Frogs

Can a Frog jump backwards? No he can't t's physically imppossible for him to do so. He always moves forwards. We need to teach students to keep moving forwards. The one thing a frog can do it just stay there and not move at all. Some of our kids are doing that. A frog will move when someone comes by and startles it or when someone comes near. With students that is us. We keep them moving forward with whatever gentle way you have you keep them moving forward. I want to thank you for motivating them, reminding them of their goals and helping them to set goals.  Like the students we need to keep moving forward, building new skills, trying new things, mastering old skills. We move forward.  This Week Today Roger, Norman and Dan are coming to the High Level learning Store to talk about our reno . We will also be discussing the La Crete learning Stores addition of a Kitchen.   Conference- I believe everyone has their ride figured out, if not see me and I will help orga

Are They confident Enough to Ask?

Are they confident enough to ask? The family of a girlfriend of mine has sold every possession and moved to California to go to missionary school. Each week I read her blog and am inspired. This week she asked us to think about her daughter who is ten years old and learning to do her studies on line. She said," she isn't confident in her knowledge and isn't yet confident enough to ask for help." I then wondered about our students. Are they confident enough to ask for help? Some aren't. That is why we check in with them each day to make sure they are on track. Are we confident enough to check on them? Sitting beside him/her for a minute to reassure them that they are going to finish, and that they can ask for help anytime. Confidence is a gift some kids have and others are working on. Assisting our students to build self confidence is a skill. Some of us are excellent at this. Staffing I am in High level on Monday, Tuesday I am in Rainbow. Wednesday Zama,

Geese Know What They Are Doing!!!

Good day everyone! Today as I stood on my deck, I watched a flock of geese overhead.  They were flying along at great speed. Behind them was one lonely little goose who seemed to be working twice as hard as the others. I felt sorry for the guy. Then I noticed the leader of the gaggle making the group curve a couple of times, allowing that little goose, to catch right up to them. The leader didn't stop everyone and say, "hey, let's wait up for the slow poke!" He/she gracefully flew a couple of swerves to get that guy caught up. It was the coolest thing to watch.  I must say I liken that experience to watching you guys in action over the past two weeks. I have heard such words of encouragement. I have heard you ask, " will you be hear tomorrow?" I have seen the gentle prodding you do. I have noticed the welcoming atmosphere of each school.  I must thank you for leading your gaggle in the gentle way that leader did this morning!  Congratulations: Cong

Monday Memo on Tuesday

Tuesday Memo September 8th, 2015 September 8th is my anniversary. Steve and I have been married for 31 years. Yes I was married when I was 11.  We celebrated that in the summer by going to a "Journey" concert on the waterfront  in Halifax. You need to take the time to celebrate, families need celebrations! Congrats to our Bonnie who turned lucky number 40 last week!   Hoping you took full advantage of the fabulous weather this weekend. It was horrible down south, we were very lucky!  Thank you for nursing me along this week. I am loving the Learning Stores and Zama. Great staff make it so enjoyable. I can feel that you put students first! There conflicts don't differ much from the video below!    Things you need to know: We are busy at all locations with Get to know You Nights. This week we have Have Level's on Thursday Night, Friday's is La Crete's, Rainbow's is on Wednesday night and Forts is on Friday the 18th. we nee