Teaching Students to be Frogs

Can a Frog jump backwards?

No he can't t's physically imppossible for him to do so. He always moves forwards. We need to teach students to keep moving forwards. The one thing a frog can do it just stay there and not move at all. Some of our kids are doing that. A frog will move when someone comes by and startles it or when someone comes near. With students that is us. We keep them moving forward with whatever gentle way you have you keep them moving forward.
I want to thank you for motivating them, reminding them of their goals and helping them to set goals. 

Like the students we need to keep moving forward, building new skills, trying new things, mastering old skills. We move forward. 

This Week

Today Roger, Norman and Dan are coming to the High Level learning Store to talk about our reno . We will also be discussing the La Crete learning Stores addition of a Kitchen.  

Conference- I believe everyone has their ride figured out, if not see me and I will help organize that for you. Thursday night we are gathering for dinner. We are looking forward to learning with a group of people who share our situation. 

Student Advisory committee- We have two students from High level who will represent learning stores on Wednesday. Kayla and Landon will be driven in by me. Please chat with your students if someone is interested in being in this group just let me know and we will invite them to our next meeting on October 21st. 

Aurora reporter work experience. Do you have a student interested in being a newspaper reporter. Well the fvsd has set up a work experience opportunity in partnership with the Echo Pioneer. This is a cool opportunity!!Contact me for more details. 

Warm winter wear collection is in full swing. Now that it is colder the coats and mitts are rolling in. High Level/Meander/ Bushie/ Fort are communities with many people who don't wear proper clothing in the winter months, we are hoping to change that. If you know of a person in need of this clothing please just let you know. 

Career trip for stream dash 2 and 1 kids is coming up in November of this year. No date is set yet.

Medical Expo is coming soon. It an afternoon for dash 1 and dash 2 kids who are interested in the medical field. There will be a simulation and a speed dating type idea where kids learn about a career choice in 8 minutes then move on to another career. 

Computer changes- New computers are coming for some of us. Each store will see changes and refits. I think we will be happy with what we receive. They are listening. 

Student recognition model. We are in contact with Norman about the gift card situation and i have Rogers ear this morning so we will see where we can go with this. 


Rainbows learning store has been closed Friday , Monday and Tuesday. It will be open while we are gone on conference. Jenine is taking her days in lieu. We are thinking about you Jenine as we know you have gone to see your Grandma who is unwell. hugs!

Tuesday Mark is in Fort for the new teachers cohort. They love having him there as he is the Yoda of the group who knows so much more than the newbies. Evelyn the sub and I are going to Zama. Hopefully to see buffalo! 

Paul is out on Wednesday. I haven't been able to track down a sub yet. 

Here's a scientific video about frogs and their jumping habits!!



  1. I believe they need resiliency, to believe that they will rise above today, if only by an "inch" that tomorrow they will be older, wiser, and start new.

    I believe they need to know their roots. To know where they came from, to understand why they are starting from this point to choose their own direction.

    I believe they need to know how to finish whatever they start; from sweeping the floor to building a house.

    I think these are important.

  2. I believe our students need to know the world is so much bigger than they think, so that they can see the opportunities and pathways that are out there for them.

    I believe they need to have courage, so they can venture out of their comfort zone and have the courage to succeed and fail. Anything worth doing requires the courage to fail.

    Finally, I believe they need to learn perseverance so that they can be more than they can be.

  3. Three things students need:
    Goals - short-term, long-term, it doesn't matter as long as you are working toward something tangible.
    Patience - not everything a person wants happens in an instant. Sometimes it takes years to realize a goal.
    The ability to revise - first efforts might be one of many in solving a problem or answering a question.



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