Monday Memo on Tuesday

Tuesday Memo September 8th, 2015

September 8th is my anniversary. Steve and I have been married for 31 years. Yes I was married when I was 11.  We celebrated that in the summer by going to a "Journey" concert on the waterfront in Halifax. You need to take the time to celebrate, families need celebrations!

Congrats to our Bonnie who turned lucky number 40 last week!  

Hoping you took full advantage of the fabulous weather this weekend. It was horrible down south, we were very lucky! 

Thank you for nursing me along this week. I am loving the Learning Stores and Zama. Great staff make it so enjoyable. I can feel that you put students first! There conflicts don't differ much from the video below! 


Things you need to know:

  • We are busy at all locations with Get to know You Nights. This week we have Have Level's on Thursday Night, Friday's is La Crete's, Rainbow's is on Wednesday night and Forts is on Friday the 18th. we need to get some items on those boards. We will do some generic items to go on all boards but having some local items would be so cool. I will be at all the Get to Know you Nights so I meet people in the communities. We have table cloths and some stuff to give away. Not sure when we can have a meet the parent night in Zama, we will organize that. 
  • Budgets are being finalized. With Zama the student numbers at 7 kids from grades 1 to 8. Our learning store numbers are as they have always been at this time of the year, low. When i finalize budgets I will let you know what our year will look like. I meet with Norman this  Tuesday afternoon to go over each budget.  
  • Winter Wear collection- We are collecting coats, mittens, boots etc.. for families who need these items. The collection center is in High Level. 
  • Visa cards are coming to individuals who I have spoken with. Expect them in the mail in a month or so. Please keep receipts in a secure location but not so secure you have no idea where they are. Speaking form experience here!!
  • Reminder if you are going to be absent please call me at 841 2934 cell- 926 4572 home. Plug that in somewhere as a text message does not work for me. I want to speak with you please. If you know of a day you will be away please be sure to let me know now so I can book a sub for you. 
  • Another student count is due here. I cant recall the exact date.
  • Think of the courses you are interested in developing
  • PGP's are due on Sept 15th. If you require more time please let me know. 
  • I am in Fort on Wednesday for an LTM. I will always have my cell with me , if you need to speak with me call central and they can get me. I will be asking a teacher to be acting admin when i am in meetings. If you are interested please contact me. There is a wage that you are given for doing that chore. 
  • Julie is out of Fort on Thursday. I have asked Alex to cover Fort on Thursday from 9-4. We will get subs when we are further into the year, right now I have no one on my list for Fort. 
Looking forward to the Get To Know you Nights. Schedules of who are working when should be done within each building. Julie i'm with you. Jenine I'm with you and Petra or Eric as well. Should be fun. 


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