Will You go For That Puck?

Listening to CBC news today they spoke of the Oiler's 3 at home wins, ( a rarity). 
Hall says the wins are attributed to the coach showing them some video. In the video the  players are asked the question, Will you go for the puck? When put it in those simple terms, players reacted and now put forth that extra effort to go for the puck. 

What if we made a video for schools... A student walks in- the staff can go for the puck (that student) or they can just let the puck go by. A student doesn't show up to school for a week. The staff can grind it out in the corner and find out where she he is, or they can just let it go by. A student is looking unhealthy, staff can give the student an orange and ask what's up, or they can let that puck go by. At the learning Stores and in Zama kids know we don't let pucks go by. We put forth that extra effort to make sure our students complete work, move along the road to graduation and are healthy socially, emotionally and physically. 
Thank you for going for the puck! 


I am in High Level today doing budget reports and planning our staff meeting on Friday.

I am in Rainbow Tuesday afternoon.

I am in Zama on Wednesday.

Thursday I am in Fort and La Crete for the half day. Back in High Level about 2:00.

Friday we are all in High level at The learning Store. Meeting starts at 10:00. Have a cool, fun idea for lunch. 

Eva is out today.  

Jenine is in Fort Vermilion today. 

We have subs in at various schools for December 11th. 

Image result for hockey pucks oilers

Thank yous

Thanks to Darren and Alex for their time spent doing parent teacher interviews. Not many parents came but next time we will get them in. 

Thanks to Petra and Eric who went to houses last week delivering fruit baskets for parent teacher inetrviews. They delivered to 9 homes. People we really happy to catch up with them and were pleased to get a fruit basket. 

Thanks to Bonnie and Holly who will be doing a session in La Crete this week. 

Thanks to Alex, Julie and Darren who visited the High Schools to catch up with our dual students. We will visit with HLPS this week sometime. 


High Level Learning Store is collecting pasta and pasta sauce for the Christmas baskets. Any type of noodles are accepted, as well as any type of pasta sauce. There are twenty five families we are giving baskets to including a couple of our kids families. Students are going to assist with wrapping at Spirit on December 14th. 

High Level Students are baking cakes for the Spirit of the North Cake walk this Thursday. 

Staff meeting Friday a great  way to catch up and get some work done. 

Two workshops in La Crete this week. Bonnie doing cards and wreaths and Esther doing sewing on Friday and Monday. 

The renovation of the High Level Learning Store is started. Finish date in the end of January. Looking forward to seeing the finished product. 

Sculptures in High Level. If you are in town take a moment to go to the park by the town hall. It has several spectacular sculptures made of snow and ice and an ice slide that fits adults. My butt slide down that slide!! Our town rocked the Frostival!! 

Zama kids are putting on a Christmas concert on Wednesday, December 16th. Those kids are the coolest kids. They are adventurous, and appreciate any good deed we do for them.  

Image result for oilers christmas wish


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