This sunshine and heat is exactly what we needed, when we needed it! Spring is not here, we will take the prespring feelings or gratitude. I am grateful for being able to get outside and walk. I am grateful for the birds. I am hear them and see them. I am grateful for a job that matters. I am grateful for people who care deeply about education and teenagers. So much to be grateful for. Soon we will be grateful for Spring break. Staffing Anne- It's complicated.- I am delivering diplomas this week. Plus evaluations will be completed this week. Monday- CRM training Tuesday- High School Principal's meeting am,Rocky Lane student visit pm. Wednesday- Fort Thursday- La Crete all day- meet with student 2:00 Home ED meeting 7:00 pm Friday- High Level- prep for diplomas What's Goin' On Diplomas- teachers are contacting their students who are writing diplomas and making sure they have everything they need to feel prepared. All accommodations have alr