Betta Days Ahead! blog dedicated to Sushi!

Image result for siamese fighting fish

Sushi thanks for being a great companion to our kids, staff especially Eva and her grandkids. 

Sushi has actually been at the learning Store longer than Allan, Chris, Jennifer,Linda and Annelise. He was a long term employee who taught us all how to handle conflict. Pull your sweater over your head, spread out your arms, jerk forward and try to scare the crap out of the other person! Works every time! He was such a great learning store employee. I'm hoping we have frozen him in the freezer, so we can plant him in the garden in the Spring. Now if you have already eaten him, I'm fine with that too! 

Lots of info. 

  • March 25 th Chad and Linda are going to the CRM software training. I am hoping to go as well. If you are wanting this training please let me know we can all go. 
  • Senior high math Pd March 25th at HLPS. Let me know if you want to go.
  • March 14th I am attending a High School redesign conference for the day in GP. We will see where learning Stores fit in this mix. 
  • August 26 and 27th empowerment training for senior high. 
  • Absences- please let us know early  if you will be away days. If I know early enough I can try to arrange for subs. We do have a few unqualified subs we can access now. 
  • Village meetings will become a part of our strategy with students. We invite all players in the child's life. The student is the focus. Each school is asked to identify one student in tier 3 or 4 that we could have a meeting set up for. 
  • Student records are going digitized.  A group will be hired to scan in all the cume info within the next year. We need to go through and make sure the correct info is in there. We asked to cut off staples and make sure they are organized for scanning. 
  • Budget talks- division is no longer giving us FNMI/ESL money. We are specifically targeting those funds then getting the money. 
  • All staff received the Jody Carrington book, Kids These Days. I still have to deliver to Jenine and Jennifer. It is an nice easy read. How has your heart? 
  • March 15th , this Friday, is our PD day. We are meeting at 10:00 and having lunch with Mike at Noon. He is wanting to let you in on the direction the division is moving- caring for its people. 
  • PAT tests- we need to sign our grade 9's up for these. Please send me an email with the names of the grade nines and what test they will be taking in June. I need this ASAP. 
  • Student contacts- In La Crete kids are coming out of the bush. In other locations kids are sensing that they have to get their work done before the snow melts. Let's make sure we know what our kids are up to and that we expect a module a week. We have one month to get all of this stuff done before we have a huge break.
  • Home Visits- instead of parent teacher interviews we are going to visit homes in the beginning of April. It is so much fun! We will take a basket of fruit and have a great conversation with the family. 
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It's a short week. Please let kids know there is a PD day on Friday. 

Jenine is out on Friday.


Monday- High Level  
Tuesday- High Level meetings 2 
Wednesday- FN1010 Fort Vermilion
Thursday GP-
Friday Pd day- Powerlunch planning for learning stores. 

Image result for siamese fighting fish cartoons


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