Why Do Kids Choose Learning Stores

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Why Do Kids Choose Learning Stores

My siblings came here.
So I could work independently.
Staff are so nice and positive.
I chose Learning Stores because it's more private and they make you feel welcome.
I chose the Learning Store because I do not like home schooling and family family did not want me in the public school. 
To get school done early and go at my own pace.
Cause I needed an education.
Cause my brother did.
Life gets busy sometimes and I can take my time to do my homework, and i get more help here. 
I get more help here and teachers and nicer and more helpful.
Because of complications at the High School. 
I heard it's peaceful and not as loud as the Public school. 
I can get stuff done on my own time.
I chose to do my schooling here at the Learning Store because I am always travelling so I miss a lot of school.
Because It's not loud and I like working by myself and i just like it.
Less drama/more one on one help/less stress/enjoy module work/I feel accepted/mental health/list goes on...most are personal reasons.
Mr. Spelrem, my parents wanted me to to. 
The reason I came to the Learning Store is because I don't think I would do good being in the High School. 
Because you can work at your own pace and you can get ahead of work.
Because my mom wanted me to go here.
Because it is faster.
Free, self paced and recommended by locals. 

The data tells it all. When looking to add testimonials to our Webpage Bonnie created a survey which asked the students three questions, one of which was, Why did you chose Learning Stores? Leah had students fill out the survey and these are the results. I won't interpret them for you. I will thank you for making our schools a place where people feel accepted, can learn at their own pace and thank you for helping the students through their courses.

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Staffing this week


Monday High level
Tuesday- Rocky Acres with the home schooling families
Wednesday LTM- La Crete goes into the evening.
Thursday staff meeting day- It's my turn to go to La Crete for the CRM- will be in fort in the morning.
Friday- High Level

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What's Going On.....

Teachers each of you should have filled out a teachers survey for the Accountability Survey. If you didn't let me know. Our completion rate is low.

Evaluations are on going.

Budget, We are on track with our budget. Seems our student recognition, Success Bucks lines are close to being over budget. We will need to look at the data and see where each school stands. Do we need to up this budget line next year with more students coming?

March 15th, This is a PD day. We are asking support staff to come in for a Power Lunch that day. You will be paid mileage and hours. Please let me know if you can't make it. Superintendent, Mike McMann is buying us lunch and will talk to us about plans for the division. 

PD day March 15th- This PD day will mirror the one we had in January we will get lots of things done. We will look at the preview review materials, look over our year plans and see how we are doing, work on the staff drive, plan the next four months and look over powerschool. Looking forward to getting together again. 

March is here, that means there are only 4 months left to get our grads graduated. We have three official grads in High Level now. Danielle is so close in Rainbow as are James and Angela in Fort. La Crete has 4 boys who are now graduates. These numbers will increase as the month goes on. Yeah!!! time to celebrate for these kids. 

Diplomas- Teachers need to check on the progress of their students. Diplomas are only a month away. Students need to be done those courses soon. 

Home Education renovation is on track. The move should take place in three to four weeks. The space is much smaller but the location will be a bonus for all. 

Home Education families will enjoy a winter fun day at Rocky acres tomorrow. Chad has organized a great day for the kids and parents. These families are very well supported by Chad. 

CRM in High Level today.
CRM in La Crete on Thursday.
CRM for Rainbow was done on Thursday.
CRM in Fort will take place Thursday am. 

I/we will not be presenting at the CRM conference. Just can't be away for another set of diplomas, maybe next year. Need to get Amber Auger graduated! Boy I'll be P O d if she bails on these diplomas!!

March 25th CRM computer program training. We will be seeking  two people from High Level and two form La Crete to train on this computer version of CRM. It is fabulous, as it creates a profile for students over time, something we can't do on paper. This is a natural next step for us. 


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