December- Welcome

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Going to look on the bright side of welcoming another month, so darn quickly:

  • P/T interviews were very successful in most schools.
  • Report cards are done
  • Many courses are being finalized in the next two weeks.
  • It's cold- there's nothing for the kids to do, but come to school (and work.) 
  • We are exactly 20 days until the days start getting longer- rock on- can't wait! 
  • There are sparkling lights everywhere making everything so beautiful. 
  • People's spirits are bright with lots of opportunities for giving and serving.
  • Welcome December!
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This is my home, nice eh! 

Thank yous

Thanks to Jenine who helped us find her replacement Kayleen Dicks. Kayleen is a mother of three gorgeous girls with the oldest being 11 and the youngest 6. She had been working as a child circle worker, that job ends in March due to cuts, so learning Store seemed an excellent option. I will be in Rainbow tomorrow assisting with training and Leah will go on Tuesday and perhaps Wednesday to help as well. Welcome Kayleen. 
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It's a messy week with me out training Kayleen and admin needing to attend the supervision and evaluation 2 day course on Tues and Wed. Sorry, but we will settle down soon. 

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Anne - 
Monday-Rainbow Lake- Chad High level
Tuesday- Fort admin course
Wednesday- Fort admin course
Thursday- High Level- Santa shop
Friday- Dean in High Level this day. Anne Peace River am- to connect with a potential grad she needs four credits!!! Then do a site inspection in Clairmont in the pm.- weather pending....

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What's Up

  • Service learning in High Level
  • CRM in High Level Thursday 2:00 pm.
  • Students are completing courses this is a natural break. 
  • think of service learning your students can do in your communities. 
  • Copyright- be cognizant that there are rules we must abide by they are posted by each copier.
  • color printers- our costs for color printing have skyrocketed.( tripled) Just be sure you want it in color before you press print that's all. It stills costs 10 cents if you print a black and white doc on a color printer.
  • Grad status notices are going out next week, or this week if i can wangle it.
  • Kayleen will be using all of us in High Level for help. Her questions are always welcomed.
  • Bonnie and her crew bought thousands of dollars worthy of toys on Thursday of last week. 63 families will be very happy this Christmas because of their incredible efforts. 
  • Leah , Wendy and Holly volunteered to help supply food for the weekend craft session. Assisting in fund raising over $7000 for toys. So cool! 
  • Chad and I are trying to plan our staff Christmas get together. Just working on Subs. 
  • Our Outdoor playground received a $3000 grant from Plains Midstream, what a great boost for us. Let the snow melt, trees bud and geese return, we are ready for Spring Planning!
  • Fort has over 17 fulltime kids now. Thinking we are going to have to put a second floor on that building. We are bursting at the seams. 
  • Think Diplomas and who is writing digitally. We should know that by now. Also plan dates for your writing workshop or assistance classes. 
Our water froze today at the High Level Learning Store. I'm here just waiting for it to start running again. Tis the season for frozen pipes fa la la la la la la. 

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