Name it To Tame it
Not sure where Dr. Jody Carrington got this phrase from, You Have to name it To Tame It, but it sure works for Outreach in Alberta right now. ( I know now, Dan Seigel) This Education department does not see the value of Outreach thus a reduction in funding. In speaking with Elliot Bessie the president of the OEC he notes many Outreaches are being converted to in reach. He is sending out a survey to Outreach schools to see how they have been affected by the cuts. So far he knows of 5 Outreaches being closed and 4 being turned into in reach. That is not counting our two. After the survey goes out there will be more data to look at. We know this is cyclical. When High School principal's see that there is 1/10 of their population who are not returning or making their school climate less than favorable, Outreach will come to the rescue. So Let's Name it To Tame It Outta Reach They Don't Care About At Risk Kids Outreach Lives Don't Matter Can you think of on