May the 4th be with you!!

The Crazy History of Tetris, Russia's Most Famous Video Game

So it is... that time of year when we are all playing Tetris. We make a move with a student then something happens and we have to rethink the move we just made. Example: We spent hours going over our student lists searching for students who need the unassigned credits. We identified about 10 students. Then an email comes through from Bob saying ALL students are going to get 15 unassigned credits this year. Okay, let start again. 

Knowing this year is going to be like a game of Tetris helps us get through. Tetris it is! We will always make the pieces fit. There are other similar games like Traffic Jam, in that game you can get stuck forever. Some would say Jenga is one of those games, except Jenga tumbles to the ground and smashes in all situations, we will avoid that scenario.  

The truth is that you can dictate the pace of Tetris in order to win. If we play the game slowly, thinking through our moves, our kids will benefit. ( and so will we)

IQ Game & Busy Hour Traffic Jam Game - Moms & Kids for sale in ...

Congratulations/thank yous

Today is Turner's birthday. It is official he is a teenager! Happy, Happy birthday Turner! 

Kayleen, is now in her new house in Cold Lake. They made the 14 hours trip on Friday with 3 kids, two dogs, 2 vehicles, one trailer and one flat bed trailer. Congrats on the new house. 

I guess congratulations to my Steve.  A friend text me saying they heard his name on the CJXX Radio. It turns out he won $1000 from the dream home lottery money draw. I guess the on line shopping I did last night may be paid for!! hee hee 

Huge thanks to Dean and Chad who have assisted with the flood recovery efforts. Fort Vermilion is a little town with so much history. It will recover thanks to the hard work of many including our own. There is a way to donate through the ATB, that starts today. Monies will be equally distributed by the red cross to flood victims. 

3D model jenga games - TurboSquid 1484021


  • We have our new math/sciences teacher for High Level. I showed her around on Sunday and she is excited to be working closely with us all. She will drop by today to meet Holly. Her position will be .8. 
  • .4 will be advertised.
  • Rainbow- I will be going out each Tuesday to meet with kids and accept work. We will also be transitioning the school to Rainbow Lake school. 
  • Holding still- I will not be travelling to La Crete or Fort any time soon. Steve is a type one diabetic and we are keeping our circle very small. In Rainbow, its just me in that office, easy to distance there. We've realised we actually can do many things from a distance. Next year I will be in La Crete often. Coolzon Speed Cube Set, Rubix Cube Set, Magic Cube 2x2 ...
What's Going On?

  • We are using our time wisely and getting things done. The task sheet will be updated. There is so much we can do to get ready for next year and to move ahead with this year. 
  • Student contacts- kids seem to turn up when we say their names.
  • CRM in High Level Wednesday. 
  • Google Meet with everyone Wednesday 10:00. Going to go over a few things
  • PD- Dr Jody Carrington"s on line course is a  must especially during these times. The division has purchased this course for us all to access. Next year is when we will be utilising these skills. Families will realise the struggle continues, no more gov money, loss of employment, families separating.... my heart! 

Fun and Mind Games - Angela Dorsey


  1. Hey Anne just curious what position the .4 is that you mentioned in the blog here. Is that the other part of your .6 or something else?


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