Come What May...

Come what may and love it | Picture Quotes

On our little drive out of town last Thursday we saw swans, sand hill cranes, a beaver, 8 deer, one moose, a coyote, Canada geese, lama's, clydedale horses,a donkey and a mouse. Go for a little drive, what do you see? You can not help but feel the renewal of Spring. Everything good happens in May! ( I didn't tell you that the beaver I saw was slung over the shoulders of an 8 year old whose 10 year old brother shot it with his bright red 22.)

May Day 2017: Top Quotes & Sayings |


  • Our .4 position in High Level closes today at noon. 
  • Our new math Teacher is Amanda Petrie. She is a chemistry, biology major. She also has great skills in math. She is a mom of three kiddies 1,3,5. Her position will be a .8 perfect for a mom raising babies. Amanda has had many cool jobs, she was a banana tree tie- er in Austrialia, she has worked for an on line outreach in B.C, she has worked for environment Canada. ( This girl has good stories) She is so excited about coming over to us from HLPS. 
  • Anne goes to Rainbow on Tuesday.
  • Anne goes to Fort on Wednesday pm. Hoping to distance meet with some of those students who have lost their homes. 8 of our students lost their homes. 
  • Irish saying Quote: May you live as long as you want and never ... 

Many many thanks. What big hearts our people have!! 
  • Dean and Chad are subbing in and out assisting with the flood relief in Fort Vermilion. This community appreciates everyone who is helping to restore this town. 
  • Allan and John Thurston arranged a food and clothing drive for the Fort flood victims. Lots of food and clothing was taken to the flood relief center form High Level. Huge thanks go out to these guys. Huge thanks  to staff who donated, it sure is appreciated. 
  • Many thanks to Holly who planted our garden seeds 10 days ago and turned up our garden beds. This garden will grow depite not having grade ones plant it. They will decide what type of garden they want us to plant.
  • Many thanks to Eva who is going through materials and sorting them out. This is not an easy task. We could all look at our spaces and ask, does it bring me joy, is it needed? ( Marie Kondo, great series on netflix)
  • Bonnie acknowledged Cri Du Chat week/day. She has helped so many of us to know about Cri Du Chat. Turner is lucky to have a Mommy like her. 
  • Many thanks to Linda and Annelise who have been looking after dual credit students, RAP and green certificate programs. There is a lot of follow up work to these programs we appreicate all the time it took you ladies. 
  • Many thanks to Alex, Linda and Annelise who went over our drive and noted what is up to date and what is a million years old and not needed. This cleans up our drive and helps us to be so much more organized. When I think of what the drive looked like three years ago, I am so greatful for the ease in finding things. We apprecaite all the work Alex into it, so many hours.  
May all your weeds be wildflowers | Picture Quotes
What's Going On

  • Grad proposals-  The division will entertain grad proposals and ideas from the High Schools. No one knows what grad in 2020 will look like or if there will be one. Parents are eager though... We should have an idea in the next two weeks. 
  • Distancing CRM in Fort on Wednesday. 
  • The third at home schooling package is going out from all of the FVSD schools this week. Just a heads up for you as these packages may be going to some of our kids homes and our kids may even be the teachers for these kids.           Learning Stores are sending things out constantly not much has changed, except that we have been more creative in how kids can hand it work. They are scanning it with iphones. Allan has set up the courses on Google classroom and kids are accessing it that way. That's cool. We are getting better at what we do. 
  • Lost kids- There may be students who have decided not to continue with their work this year. We are fine with that, although some kids may be in a course that will change in the new year. We can still get them the old course. Let's listen to them and take some stress away. I just spoke to a girl who has been in emerg twice for panic attacks, she can't breathe!! It is all too much for her, we need let her know we will be with her cheering her on as she completes her challenges. Some people are not doing well... we must listen when they chat with us. 
  • Successes- Two students have come back to us looking to finish up, one girl only needs five CTS credits. Yeah! We love these successes. 
  • Enjoy your week. This is a long weekend coming up. Not sure what you are up to, you deserve time not thinking about school. Enjoy stage one of opening by AHS. Restaurants and many businesses can  open with social distancing, May 14th. Small steps.....
Great message for our students from Maya Angelou.

350 Badass Maya Angelou Quotes That Will Blow Your Mind


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