Merry Almost Christmas to You

Merry Monday Memo to You!

Too cute, It's called text me Merry Christmas and its worth logging on at school to listen to. 

We would like to wish you a Merry Christmas after school on Tuesday. Its time sensitive so we need to give you this gift early. We are still having a staff gift exchange on Thursday after school. You are able to steal gifts at this one fun, fun, fun. 

Tomorrow is jeans day for those who are getting  a pie in the face at noon. if you arent getting a pie in the face it is regular dress.  Hope you will get in on it, kids have so much fun and so do we!

Such Sad news 

 On Wednesday evening Olivia Wilson's ( Tasha's class) two month old baby brother died. The Wilson's have just moved here from Ontario. We will talk to student council of ways we can help this family. We will wrap around them as best we can. Our hearts are so heavy with the news of their loss. Such sad news. 

Staffing- Guys just 5 more days and you get to relax and concentrate on you and your family 100% for 16 days. You are very, very, lucky. Other moms and dads get 4 days. 

Valyne is out for two days. Esther is in. Please be sure to cue her in as to the concert schedule we want her to feel confident in what she is doing. 

Andrew is out tomorrow- Will try for a sub. 

Braidyn has pneumonia and Emily is in for her. That poor girl. We will send her something. Jane is in for relief for Christmas concert. 

This week is wonky and you won't get all your preps, sorry, but T'is the season. We try as hard as we can but sometimes it is just not possible. 

Events - Upcoming things

PD days for professional staff 5 and 6. We will have a Balanced Lit refresher for 1 hour. You will evaluate where you are in your year plans. You will evaluate your guided reading sessions. We are going to hard schedule times for Shane and I to come in and watch a guided reading lesson in action. 

COP for math- Math team will present to this COP on Jan 5 and continue to set our course for the year.  

Monday Pie in the face- $5 gives a child a chance to start a pie in the face a thon. garbage bags are provided. 

Tuesday- Kids are treated to a hot chocolate buffet. We will call your classes down when you are not busy with concert. will be very cool.

Wednesday Christmas concert- all staff please be here at 6:20. Support staff will be paid extra for this time. We do need you! 

Thursday- Winter run outdoors no matter what the temperature. Students and staff bring $2.00 to give to the animals in the shelter. This will happen at lunch hour

Friday- Christmas movie and a healthy treat starts at 12:30 promptly. Staff sign up for clean up crews and supervision. Movie TBA. 

Thank you to you and you and you and you

Thanks so much to all who are working so hard on the Christmas concert. We have all kept our grace and will give this concert as a gift to our community. 

Thank you, to Debbie and Megan who are doing so much behind the scenes work for the Christmas hampers. There is so much to do and they get it done with honor and grace.

 Thanks to classrooms who encouraged students to bring in canned goods and other items. This was by far the best gathering of food ever. 

Thanks to or TA's for keeping our kids interested. The kids need to be kept excited about school and you are doing some really neat activities to ensure they are still learning. 

Thanks to Shelly for organizing all the activities we had this week. She ordered us everything we need so we can be calm and cool. 

Seriously is this moment here now!

This is Sheena's last week with us at Spirit. She is staying home to look after her family and her family business. While we are so happy for her, we can't help but feel a little sorry for ourselves. So here's a song girlie for you that describes our feelings on you leaving. Really mushy!!!! Very overly dramatic but a lovely song! 
We'll miss ya girl. 


  1. We will certainly miss you Sheena! XO

  2. I will miss you most of all Sheena! 😥😥😥 but hopefully you will become our most favorite parent volunteer!😊

  3. I wonder if she is thinking of us??


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