Everyone Has Story

Everyone has a Story

Have you ever found yourself thinking differently about someone after you've heard their story. One of our presenters spoke of storytelling as a way of understanding people more. When he told his stories we laughed and laughed and understood why he writes what he does. Knowing people's stories is a gift someone gives to you. 
Mother Theresa said, " If you judge people, you have no time to love them." So we wait to learn some student's stories....  we wait to learn of our colleagues' stories.... and we wait to learn of our neighbor's stories. And they wait on us... What's your story? If you'd like to hear Marty Chan's story here is the website. 


Winners of our blogging your favorite song contest are:


Congrats to you and Thank you for responding to the Blog everyone. The music was a great collection of your favorites. 


I had some lovely news on Sunday. My daughter Kelsey is getting married to Marc Johnson! He asked her to marry him on a hike in Jasper. What a romantic guy! We are thrilled as a celebration is welcome! Every chance you get to celebrate with family- take it. 

Where's Anne This week? Like where's Waldo, but I change my clothes!

Tuesday- High Level
Wednesday- Rainbow Lake- lunch with admin to discuss dual students etc... 
Thursday- La Crete and Fort- Fort First have many meetings with admin at Fort public this day
Friday- High Level


Bonnie is out Tuesday morning

Marc is out on Thursday. Nicole and Janet Hackett will cover that day. The sub we had booked has taken on a longer term with another school. 

What's Happening This Week?

Zama is thinking about CATS

Budget reports are due

Our third round of evaluations is beginning.

High Level Learning Store is settling in. 

Report cards/ progress reports should have been delivered to students families. 

Tracking Down kids- Learning Stores will be consciously  tracking down students who we have not seen lately. They need to know we care. We are nearly only 4 months left to the school year and we must make sure the kids move themselves closer to graduation not farther away!! 


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