Growing a Child

" Treat people as if they were what they ought to be and you will help them to become what they are capable of being." 

Quote by Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Love that quote! It is deep... I read it over four times, loved it more each time I read it. Hope it resonates with you as well. 



  • We are blasting away at the Tell Them From Me Survey For the Students. Students will have their name put in a draw for a fifty dollar gift card to a store in their community. Codes will be scanned to La Crete in the morning. 
  • We are also going to have a little contest with the adults- you get a point for each child you get to do the survey. The winner in each Store gets a $50 gift certificate in their community. We will go at it hard this week. Then it will be done. We are just looking for a good sample. 
  • High Level is going to try out a coffee and cookies survey night to see if we get parents in to do the survey. Every school in High Level is doing this. That is happening this Tuesday night it will be like parent teacher interview night, lets see who we get. It's worth a try. We did a call out and will phone parents to remind them again on Tuesday. 
  • In High Level we are seeking a teacher who would like to over see diplomas during the first three days of spring break. They in turn would get 2 days off any other time they wish. If one of our staff doesn't take this I will hire a sub with Diploma experience to over see them- Or- if my dad gets better I will over see them. 
  • It is national wear pink day on Wednesday. Go to for more information. 
  • Events March 11th Pd Day. We will meet in High Level we would be pleased to host you. We are going over school issues, scenarios as I have been writing them down for about two months. We need to ground our thinking in relation to the Learning Stores and Zama. 
  • Google training- I have contacted Sharon for more Google training. 
  • Parent teachers for La Crete are on March 8th. We are going to deliver fruit baskets. 
  • Our school division is in the news. Please leave the news reporting to the people who get paid the big bucks. If a reporter asks for your comment think carefully first please. 


I don't have anyone out this week that I know of- let me know if this isn't so. 

Monday High Level
Tuesday High Level 
Wednesday Zama
Thursday La Crete and Fort
Friday possibly Rainbow with Petra

There are a few of our students who suffer from depression. Some suffer so much that they cant leave their homes. This girl explains depression to us in a poem she has written. The best 3 minutes of mental health instruction you'll get this week. 


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