All is Calm, All is bright...

Image result for calm is calm all is bright

So much has happened to our staff in the last bit that the only thing I can say is that your physical and mental health are top priority to us. Please practice self care. Breathe, look at the stars, walk or have a great cry! An aboriginal elder told me don't stop your tears from falling, if you let them fall, they go right to your heart and cleanse it. 

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Thinking of You

So many hugs to Holly whose mom passed away peacefully last Sunday. Hugs!!!

So many hugs to Eric whose nephew passed away of aggressive cancer this week. He leaves behind a wife and three girls under the age of 8. We pray this family has lots of supports. 

Positive vibes to Petra whose achilles has stretched off the heel and is causing her tons of pain. I wish I has healing dust to sprinkle over that darn foot! 

Positive vibes to Jenine whose back is causing her lots of pain. Soon she will get to stay home and nurse herself back to health! 

Positive vibes to Nicole who has rheumatoid arthritis. Her pain just doesn't go away some days. We are wishing that pain away!! 

Positive vibes to Janet who is awaiting her hip replacement. We are praying that call comes soon for ya! 

Seems Fort and La Crete are the only healthy spots we've got! I'll bring some of their water around to each location!!! 

It's clear we are in need of a holiday, what else can I say!

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Marc is out Monday- Nicole is in. 

Petra is out until Wednesday.

Eric is out until Thursday. Crystal is in for him. 

Holly is out until Thursday. 

Anne's schedule- This will be a piece meal schedule judging from the needs in each place. If anyone else is out i'll have to hunker down in HL

Monday - Fort- AM for my evaluation meeting
Tuesday- La Crete, Fort morning- maybe Rainbow pm.- delivering ho ho ho to ya!!
Wednesday- Zama 11:00- Christmas concert Marc and I are in it. " Yes, Virginia there is a Santa Claus."  
Thursday- HL early dismissal. Calm begins for you!!

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Learning Store will want to reach their students and make sure they have enough modules to work on while we are closed until Jan 9th. 

Diplomas happen right after we return. 

La Crete is a busy spot this week. Flower arranging happens on Monday. Their party happens on Wednesday.

Zama's Christmas celebration happens on Wednesday.

We return to our schools on Monday, January 9th. 

Take a minute to watch and listen to this video. I couldn't help but smile.

Enjoy your holiday you deserve the break. 

Image result for all is calm all is bright


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