I like Your Dogs

There is beauty in the world, open your eyes. Yesterday, I took a long walk with my dogs and saw many beautiful things:
families skating on the oval
sun shining through the trees
sparkling snow
I felt the heat of the sun
Green Bay beat Dallas "yes"

but most beautiful, were the young guys who passed me and said, " hello," and one young guy took off his headphones and said," hey, I like your dogs." This cool, good looking first nations kid, smiled the biggest smile and just made my day. Most people wouldn't expect that of busy teenagers. It was a beautiful day. 

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Thank You

Thanks to Holly and Bonnie for doing some spring cleaning in January. The school looks really tidy.

Thanks so much to Nicole, who rescued us on Wednesday when Mark couldn't travel to Zama due to the windy weather. She taught the kids all day. We appreciate her willingness to help out anytime. 

Thanks to Eric who will be acting while I am away. Any questions just ask Eric, he will help you out. He is calm and cool and has always helped us out during these absences and I thank him for that. 

Thanks to Alex and Eva for waiting for the Brick guy. Turns out we will be waiting until Tuesday now. The La Crete Learning Store is getting some new furniture. 

Thanks to all our diploma supervisors. Diploma run for the next ten days. We appreciate you honoring the security of these exams and thanks for making students feel comfortable when writing them.

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Staffing This Week


Monday - High Level
Tuesday- Thunder Bay
Wednesday- Thunder Bay
Thursday pm - Fly to Toronto
Friday go see Mom and Dad
Monday Fly back to High Level

No staff out this week- call or text Eric if you are out. Eric's number is 841 5897. 

Linda is in supervising diplomas in La Crete.

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Events/ programs/ initiatives

Diplomas are happening this week. Can't stress enough the security of those exams. We must keep them secured. Each location has their way of doing that. Thank you for being diligent with it. Any problems , call Eric. 

Mypass blitz is going on. Each location is to get their students on to mypass. Every staff member should know how to get a student on to Mypass. Our goals is to have student's take charge of their education. 

Parent survey nights. Like last year we will invite parents in to complete the survey and will hear their ideas and thoughts. 
High Level- February 23
La Crete February 22
In Fort and Rainbow we will go see the parents.
In Zama, we will have the parents complete the survey on January 26th the day of the parent council meeting. 

Canva is a sign design website, take a look into it if you are wanting to design signs for your location. I have a done a couple here they look professional. Try it! 

Tell Them From Me Survey- All students need to complete this survey by the end of February. In a week the codes will be available to us to give to students. We look forward to getting this information. data helps us make decisions

Budget- We are on track in all locations. 23% spent in Zama. 27% spent with Learning Store,that does not include large purchases in La Crete of furniture and a smart board for Fort. 

PD January 31- Teachers and secretaries work this day. A few of you are going to the Robotics PD. Several of us will be working on updating courses. I will be putting out an informational page which outlines our direction for the rest of the year as it relates to achieving our goals in the Ed PLAN we wrote. 

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  1. I think an excellent teacher should be able to adapt. Situations arise that are outside of our plans, and it's important that we don't let them throw us off track too much. Of course, excellent teachers should also be able to drink embarrassing amounts of coffee...

  2. Well many of you have the coffee part down pat!! Love the focus on being able to adapt in any situation.
    Thanks Alex

  3. It goes without saying that a good teacher should be able to get his/her students to enjoy learning whatever it is being taught in the classroom. But I think one quality of an excellent (coffee-drinking) teacher is one who is able to instil in students the love of learning itself, which goes beyond the classroom and can last a lifetime.

  4. I believe a good teacher goes beyond the content and gets to know students for who they are. Doing this enables the teacher to meet the student where they are at and allows for a connection that not only allows learning to take place, but also personal growth for student and teacher.
    And remember life is what happens when you are making plans - let the plan be the life lessons through truly connecting.


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