Let's Talk Campaign

Bell's Let's Talk Campaign is aimed at reducing the stigma related to mental illness. We have always been told to take care of our bodies, now we are learning how important it is to take care of your mind. 

There are five tips to helping yourself or someone you know with mental illness. 

  • Talk about it. 

Understanding and Educating ourselves is step two. Having the conversation without judging.

Step 3. watch our language- it is correct to say- a person with bi-polar or a person with schizophrenia or a person with depression. 

step 4. Be kind. Ask the person if they'd like to talk about it and listen. Saying you'll get over it or relax doesn't help. Saying I'm sorry you aren't well, or what can I do to help you now?  

Step 5. Listen and Ask-Mental illness is a very common form of human pain and suffering. Being a good listener and asking how you can help, sometimes just even being there for people you care about, can be the first 
step in recovery.

Thanks So Much

  • Thanks to HLLS who have been feverishly signing students up for MYpass. A story, We had signed Dillon up for MyPass several days earlier. Holly presented him with a hoodie for getting 15 credits. He asked Holly, " Why did I get this when I only had 8 credits on my DAR?" He actually looked it up! Turns out we had posted some credits that morning for him. So students can take ownership over their own learning. If your school has signed people up please let me know I'd love to recognize you!! 

  • Thanks so much to Eric who was acting principal while I was recruiting in Thunder Bay and visiting my Dad for three days. Eric I truly appreciate not having to worry while I'm away. 

  • Thanks so much to Danielle. Danielle was able to arrange to stay another week to stay with us so we can settle in a new Educational Assistant. It's not easy asking a new boss to delay your start and we appreciate that! 

  • Thanks so much to all people who presided over diploma exams. Tests were written and students are moving forward with their education. We love that. Move forward not backward!

  • Thanks to Nicole and Marc for purchasing snow shoes for the Zama students. Those students just love snowshoeing and being outdoors.  
  • Image result for mental health awareness quotes 
Events/happenings/ Instructional focus

Report cards are due to me on Tuesday, February  7th. I am in LTM on Wednesday so Tuesday is best. 

OUR SCHOOL survey. This week I will be coming to schools with codes for the students to use to fill in this survey. Teachers have completed it already. This survey takes about 20 minutes and we will give each student who completes it 5 success bucks! OUr goal is to hear every student voice. Remind kids that they are able to get any program they wish in this school we will hunt for that course for them. 

Parent survey night/ Parent teacher interviews in La Crete is on Wednesday, February 22nd. In High Level it is on Thursday, February 23rd.  In Rainbow, I will be calling the boy's mom to fill out the survey. In Fort we will call parents as well. 

PD day is Tuesday. Marc and Darren are going to Robotics training. They will come for lunch with us at the Mirage at 11:45. They have good gluten free selections there. Alex is coming to High level as we are meeting for COP's. We will have a short morning staff meeting to go over some new things and review some old. Educational assistants you are free birds on that day. You don't have to work. 

Making contact with students. all schools are doing a great job of logging communication with our students. Now, take it a step further and call the student to come in. A student needs to know that you matter to them. 

Stop Bullying T-Shirt Day is coming up. Learning Stores are producing T- shirt. Congratulations to Herman won our contest. Eva, can you give him a gift card as a prize please. Hoping the T shirts will be in in the next three weeks. 

We are hunting for students. Thanks to Bonnie we now have a list of students who have dropped out of their High Schools. We will make contact to see if they'd like to try an alternative to high School.

March 17th is our Powerlunch with central office staff in High Level. This is a PD day. Support staff are asked to work this day and take another off in lieu. Zama this includes you too. We expect everyone at this lunch. It will be fun, they pay for it, we eat it!!! 

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Staffing This Week 


Monday- High Level 
Tuesday- PD HIgh Level
Wednesday- La Crete/ Fort morning- Meeting in Fort in the afternoon at St. Mary's school. 
Thursday- Rainbow
Friday- La Crete all day. 

According to my records no one is out this week. If that isn't correct please contact me. 

 This next two weeks is a great time to turn up the heat on our students. They need to be getting work done. After that we have ten days off and that's never good for schooling. 

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  1. My sister is bipolar, and at 52 has been that way for as long as I can remember; long before mental illness was acceptable or there was a label for what she has. She has had to face our family, which is large and loud in its opinions, in the wake of countless "embarrassing" life choices, stumbles, side tracks, and totally disastrous "crash and burn" situations. I can't imagine how hard it must be to carry that shame and still show up for family functions. It takes a strength that not many people give her credit for, that's for sure.

  2. My nephew lives with mental illness. I watched as it turned him from a bright eyed, young, enthusiastic kid, to a man dependent on others, on meds, and in a continued state of disconnect. His experience gave me the understanding that inside, these people were not always like this. That they had their own plans, and their parents too, had plans for them. And that we do not get to choose what battles we fight. We can only be patient, try to understand, and share with others that they are not alone in the fight.


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