Three Days in June

Sure enjoyed that extra day this week. Spent most of my time cleaning up after the torrential hailstorm on Saturday. If you are on facebook you would have seen the chaos momma nature blessed us with. It included twoonie size hailstones, lightning, thunder and crazy winds. It was so neat, not so neat for others who have insurance damage claims.
Thankfully, crops  seemed unaffected, from what i heard anyway. 

No chaos for us this week. Calm and cool is how we roll. It's grad week and we are going to enjoy it. Please remember, it's Tuesday  and there are only four days this week. Don't be tricked into thinking you have lots of time to do things, one day is gone already. 

Grad parents Eva, Jenine and Petra will be busy getting their households organized for their celebrations. What a day this will be, enjoy!!

Displaying IMG_2983.JPG

Excuse the wine bottle as a reference... but that's just one piece of hail!!



Tuesday morning meeting central office until 1:00
Wednesday- HL until 9;15 La Crete and Fort
Thursday- High Level - opening of HLPS new wing pm.  
Friday- Zama City- Marc is out- Zama is hosting Meander River

Staff out

Holly, Darren and Eva are out Tuesday.

Petra is out Friday. 

Events/ Programming

  • Filipino Night at HLPS Tuesday June 6th all schools are going to give the parents the information they require to make good educational decisions for their kids. 
  • Grad- Please be sure our students know all there is to know about times for rehearsal etc... 
  • Ed Plans will be handed in this Wednesday. 
  • Zama kids had a great time with Shelby and Mark in GP. There was so much to learn in a fun way. Huge thanks to Mark and Shelby for organizing that field trip. Mark is so great with those kids. We laughed and laughed it was a super trip. 
  • Make students aware of the deadlines please. Notes everywhere usually work. 
  • Provincial Achievement tests are in. We have one student writing in High Level and two writing in Zama. 
  • Diplomas have arrived. We must make sure we ask each student if they would like to write digitally. Fill in the appropriate google sheet form to indicate yes or no. We have to get this information to the techs. 
  • Prepare your students for Diplomas they should know what our password etc is.. That should be posted somewhere in the school. 
  • Thanks to Holly and Bonnie and the crew who put together the center pieces for the grad tables in HL. They look stunning. Can't wait to see them in the arena. 
  • Thanks to Jenine , she is doing lots of work on the grad in Rainbow. Our boys will look so fabulous!! and so will Bailey! She is valedictorian for her class, what a huge accomplishment and honor. 
I know I have missed something. I will do an add on this week. 

Enjoy the sunshine sure beats hail!


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