
Showing posts from October, 2017

A wise person hears one word and understands two

Had a chance to speak to a student a month ago, he'd had a little run-in with the law, and he has missed some important deadlines. In our meeting, I asked a simple question, " Are you working?" The answer was, "No." I then asked, "So if you aren't working, what have you been doing with your time?" The answer was,"  X-Box." That short response meant so much, he told me he has a problem and can't break away from it. He told me it was more important than looking after his legal problems. He told me he has an addiction and maybe more addictions.When we listen beyond words we can hear so much more... I think we are all learning that as we delve more deeply, into relationship building and making contact with our students.  " A wise person hears one word and understands two." ( Jewish Proverb)  Congratulations Congratulations to Darren and Desirea ( I'm sorry for the misspelling). Dekayla is home now and is having

Ravens Catch Snowflakes

The other day I walked toward the school and spotted a raven on the roof. I stopped for a minute to watch the huge snowflakes falling. It was such a gorgeous snowfall, you know the type I am speaking of. I looked back up at Mr. Raven and saw him putting his head up to the sky, opening his beak wide to catch snowflakes. I stood and watched for about two minutes, how cool is that.  If a raven can stop to have a little fun in a day, so can we.  Enjoy your week! If it snows, stop for a moment to catch snowflakes on your tongue, just like our northern buddies the Ravens! Congratulations Welcome to the world Dekayla Autumn Froese. Dekayla was born on Oct 22 at 9:39. She is 8lbs 4ozs and 20 inches long. Mom and baby are doing great!! Congratulations Darren, Desirea, and boys. Such a celebration!   Staffing Anne- Monday- High Level  Tuesday- High Level-am- Rainbow Lake pm Wednesday- Fort/ La Crete Thursday- teaching digital citizenship- HL Friday- Zama La Crete Darre

Just a Little Survey...

The things you find out if you just ask... We had a family meeting in High level on Thursday night. 6 people showed. In a survey at the end, we asked. Why do you want your child to graduate? The prevalent answer was to make the family proud then to achieve a successful career.   To make the family proud.... That is great info for us. When we speak to kids that may be our in... your graduating will make your family so proud. If bit makes us proud imagine how it makes the family feel! We are so lucky to be involved with students at the end of their schooling!! Thank yous I thank you all for a lovely start to the school year. Numbers are way up from last year except for Zama. But I always dream that a family of 10 will move in! We are lovely busy not bad busy!! That is good.  Thank you to Bonnie and Holly who have begun a nutrition morning breakfast and hot lunch schedule. Our hopes are to instill healthy eating and life skills.  Thank you to Darren who started the Google

I've Got Problems

Ted talks are a great way to get smarter. last night I watched this talk. Worth the time forsure.  Staffing Anne  Tuesday High Level- Hopes to have a dual meeting with HLPS. Wednesday- Blue Hills am- La Crete PM- Thursday- High Level- Fort pm Friday- Zama PM-  Eric is out for three days celebrating the birth of his new grandbaby Hayes. He was born October 3rd and is cute as can be.  There are no subs available in town so we will cover while Eric is away.  Everyone else seems to be in this week. We eagerly await the arrival of Darren and Desiree's third baby. Darren will have some time off when he/she gets here.  Instruction and Programming Headstrong conference-  October 18th- Many schools are sending representatives bussing is paid for,  great opportunity for  wellness education. Wellness is a huge component of Outreach and for small communities such as Zama.  Parent Teacher Interviews- We will have these four times a year in Outreach. Two times a year

So Good!!

Paper Tigers is film suggested by Darren from Vermilion. I know this won't play for you but we will figure out how to get it to you if you'd like to watch it. It won awards at film festivals.  It feels so great to have spent time with some staff last week. It is rare for us to get together. (and ever rarer for Mark and Janet out in Zama) We realize how great our staff are and how committed they are to our students. (We missed you Holly, Darren and Lisa) In one session, the Principal from Vermilion Outreach noted a couple of things they do at their Outreach to ensure success. 1. debrief- please take time 5 minutes at the end of the day to talk about students, their work, what you did to contact them. Mark and Janet it would be great for you two to do this daily.  2. Tag You are it- when what you are doing isn't working with that kid, catch the eye of another staff member and they may come to your rescue.( tough for Mark,  but I am coming out this week)  3. W