A wise person hears one word and understands two

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Had a chance to speak to a student a month ago, he'd had a little run-in with the law, and he has missed some important deadlines. In our meeting, I asked a simple question, " Are you working?" The answer was, "No." I then asked, "So if you aren't working, what have you been doing with your time?" The answer was,"  X-Box." That short response meant so much, he told me he has a problem and can't break away from it. He told me it was more important than looking after his legal problems. He told me he has an addiction and maybe more addictions.When we listen beyond words we can hear so much more... I think we are all learning that as we delve more deeply, into relationship building and making contact with our students. 

" A wise person hears one word and understands two." ( Jewish Proverb) 

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  • Congratulations to Darren and Desirea ( I'm sorry for the misspelling). Dekayla is home now and is having fun with her brothers. Here's hoping Des can get sleep when she can as life just got way busier.
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  • Anne- 
  • Monday - Zama all day- Mark is out- there are no subs in Zama. 
  • Tuesday- High Level- Results Review document due to central office, budget due, SRB due, meeting.
  • Wednesday- Diploma day- Anne is High Level Picking up student
  • Thursday- Fort Vermilion/ La Crete
  • Friday- Diploma day- High Level 
Levi is out Wednesday pm and Thursday. We will figure out who will go to the fort on Thursday. No worries. 

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What's Happening this week with Instruction and programming

  • Diplomas- We have diplomas happening in High Level and La Crete this week. Hoping you have filled out the form for digital writing and submitted it to Dexter as we have done for all our diploma writings. 
  • Data- I will be seeking data from several of you the next few days to assist in our results review. 
  • EA's/ teachers/staff Nov 9 the PD day. There is a piece on the collaborative Response model that all of us can attend. I will look into it more and get back to you on it. That could be a useful use of our time, working on something we have already started. 
  • Note November 10th is listed as a holiday so we are required to have a moment of silence on Wednesday, Nov 8th in each location. In Zama, we will have more of a ceremony.  
  • PGP meetings- I have only one more to go. That will happen this week. 
  • Chromebook arrival should be soon. High Level and La Crete locations need to find out how to sign them out this week. 
  • Eva Olssen presented to several of our students last week. Everyone has a story and listening to someone's story is the greatest gift you can give. We thank Mike for bringing her in to our division again. 
  • Thank you to Holly, Bonnie, and Petra who assisted with  Gail's garage sale over the weekend. She was very happy to have help organizing and was even more thrilled to have company. 
  • Report Cards go out on November 17th. Last day for marks is November 8th. Please be on top of this, checking to see that you have everything in order now will save you the last minute run around closer to the due date. 
  • Budget- I have to hand in the budget on November 1st. If there are purchases that we need to make please let me know so I include them. We did really well in balancing our budget this year. 

  •  Image result for words can make a difference quotes


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