So Good!!

Paper Tigers is film suggested by Darren from Vermilion. I know this won't play for you but we will figure out how to get it to you if you'd like to watch it. It won awards at film festivals. 

It feels so great to have spent time with some staff last week. It is rare for us to get together. (and ever rarer for Mark and Janet out in Zama) We realize how great our staff are and how committed they are to our students. (We missed you Holly, Darren and Lisa)

In one session, the Principal from Vermilion Outreach noted a couple of things they do at their Outreach to ensure success.

1. debrief- please take time 5 minutes at the end of the day to talk about students, their work, what you did to contact them. Mark and Janet it would be great for you two to do this daily. 
2. Tag You are it- when what you are doing isn't working with that kid, catch the eye of another staff member and they may come to your rescue.( tough for Mark,  but I am coming out this week) 
3. Watch each other for signs of Exposure- 
Meaning..... it is all getting to you!!!! 
Signs of exposure in outreach and class are: 
cynicism, anger, blaming, avoiding working with kids, negativity, minimising big things. 
We look for these things in each other, when they are there, we reach out and help change their direction- The principal says can't let that get out of hand and maybe people need a change. 
5. celebrate- celebrate cool/little accomplishments. 

So many brilliant things to learn at that conference. Thanks to Bonnie for organizing it.

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Thank you

Thanks to Holly for all the things she did while we were out.

Thanks to all staff who travelled for the conference we appreciate your time. Hope you enjoyed yourself. 

Thanks to Alex for putting his name forward for the Vice President of the Outreach Council. The north now has a voice. 

Thanks to Mark, I believe he is vice chair of the Pd committee. Thanks for volunteering your time. 

Congratulations to those who won prizes at the conference. Levi, Eva and Paul.

Soon we will be celebrating a new addition to Darren and Desirea's family. We cant wait to meet that little babe. 

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Wow!  Is that something.... Think she has this hanging in her office???  

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We have a great Staff. 



Monday- Student Centred Leadership Meeting with central office personnel coming to High Level. Also, Christmas hampers meeting.

Tuesday- Cross Country divisionals Rocky Lane- We have one student entered. 

Wednesday- Leadership Meeting- Fort

Thursday- Blue Hills- La Crete- Fort

Friday- Zama

Alex is out Monday and Tuesday- Linda is in.

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Instruction and Programming 

RTI meetings will take place this week in High Level/Fort. We will agree upon a time to go over our kids/the contacts you have made with your students and take action. 

Contacts with people- if you made contacts with people to get courses form them etc... Please follow through this week and share. I know I have to contact several people.

Zama- writing prompts should be done. I will look at them with you Mark. 

Thank you to our counsellors Petra and Alex who are busy getting letters ready to go out re: grad status.

Great quote I heard at the conference which applies to us all- The goal is to protect the relationship at all costs. 

Downloading- This week many items are due into central office. I may be asking you for things.  Thanks to a few of you who have already submitted your professional growth plans. 

Assigned time - Principal's are required to keep a sheet outlining assigned time. We can look at it together. I haven't even started the google sheet yet.  I will be very specific if I am assigning you time- which will be  very, very, very rarely. 

Have a lovely week. 

Soon it will be turkey time!! 

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