I've Got Problems

Ted talks are a great way to get smarter. last night I watched this talk. Worth the time forsure. 

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Tuesday High Level- Hopes to have a dual meeting with HLPS.
Wednesday- Blue Hills am- La Crete PM-
Thursday- High Level- Fort pm
Friday- Zama PM- 

Eric is out for three days celebrating the birth of his new grandbaby Hayes. He was born October 3rd and is cute as can be. 

There are no subs available in town so we will cover while Eric is away. 

Everyone else seems to be in this week. We eagerly await the arrival of Darren and Desiree's third baby. Darren will have some time off when he/she gets here. 

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Instruction and Programming

Headstrong conference- October 18th- Many schools are sending representatives bussing is paid for, great opportunity for  wellness education. Wellness is a huge component of Outreach and for small communities such as Zama. 

Parent Teacher Interviews- We will have these four times a year in Outreach. Two times a year in Zama. Our first interview for outreach will be in October we just need to nail down a date for each location. 

Staff meeting next Thursday- we will teleconference for 10 minutes then High Level team will work on student Collaborative Response Model, that is our new word for our talks about students. Mark will drive in and we will then have our CMR meeting about our Zama kids. 

La Crete has already held a workshop for their students on computing skills. High Level has done landscaping... go through our Guide to Education and see what it is you see us offering in months to come. 

PGP's are due soon. I have received 3/5, thank you. 

Student contacts- even though you are assigned certain students please continue to fill out student contacts on ALL kids as you visit with them. Sometimes the kids come in when I'm not here, or when you are at lunch or away from school. We are doing great so far, believe we are keeping good track of our kids. 

Thank you for going over and above for our kids. Last week it included a call to Child and Family Services, filling out tax forms for a kid, becoming a member of the Alberta Sports athletic association, meetings with parents, motion sculptures and morning smoothies. That's just a few of the cool things happening in our buildings. We really do rock!

Assigned Timesheets. We will fill these in together. I will sit with each of you and we will each keep track but will compare bi-weekly so we are aware of any discrepancies. Thanks to Darren for the creation of the form. 

Tuesday- Please remember that today is Tuesday. We had an extra long weekend, hope you enjoyed a great meal. 

Iron Chef- Looking for someone to assemble a group of kids to go to the Iron Chef competition in La Crete. If you are interested please let me know. 

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