Always be Humble and Kind

Our Grads chose this as a song. Have a listen. Nice way to start the morning. Eva has an exciting week with Raelene graduating. 

New Happenings

We are so excited for Darren, he has his wish to be back in the classroom. He will be teaching Junior High at Hillcrest. That's a fabulous age to teach, enjoy. 

An ad for Darren's job will come out today. We welcome new staff to our schools, great to harness the skills of many. 

Janet and I relocated some materials to other schools in the division. Better that those books are in the hands of kids!  

Allan Sprelrem will start with us in High Level next week. He will have today as an orientation day in High Level. Allan will work four days a week with us until the end of the school year. Hopes are that he can become comfortable with the course material to have an smooth start in September. 

Educational Assistant contracts are to be signed this week. I am bringing them around to locations. 

Vulnerable sector checks need to be done ASAP. NO one gets hired without that. In High level take the time to go and do that. In other locations Scot Leys will let me know when these people are coming to your location. 

Year end parties start this week. Rainbow Lake's is Tuesday. 
Blue Hills is Tuesday the 12th
HLLS is 15th
LCLS is 19th 
FVLS is 20th
Zama we will figure that one out. Maybe Janet and I will have a party at the Chateau! 
Finishing the year off right is so important. We want to honor everyone. 

Diplomas take place next week. Part A English and Social. Are you students ready for that. It is our responsibility as teachers to ensure our students are not blindsided. They know what to expect and have had time with us to prepare. 

Budget report is due today, so is Education Plan. 

Student contacts- Students need to finish up those courses. June 15th is our date. Please note that we are filling in the dates that students hand in work in our student contacts so we can trace their progress instantly. 

Staffing Schedules:

Bonnie is out June 7
Eva is out June 8th
Jenine has her Rainbow schedule out for June. 


Monday- High Level
Tuesday Rainbow Lake- Meeting in the morning High Level
Wednesday- Fort morning- La Crete Meeting PM- Maybe Blue Hills too
Thursday- LTM Fort- Grad rehersal 7:00 High Level
Friday- Zama am- High Level pm


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