Hello Summer

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Summer arrives Thursday. 

We have nine days till year end. So far we have had three lovely award gatherings. One in Rainbow, one in Blue Hills and one in High level last Friday. 
Each was a celebration of all that students do and all that staff do, to get kids to a space where they can see success. 

Kat Winter spoke about Eric and his impact on her. She said she was a reluctant student and he made her believe she could do it. She travelled from Vancouver to honor her teacher. Now that's a lovely way to retire! What an honor to hear her talk about Eric. (made me tear a little.) Huge thanks to Bonnie for inviting her to our celebration. 

You all  impact our kids daily and for years to come. You might never know it  but you do. How lucky are you to be working in Outreach and Zama. How lucky are our kids that you are working in Outreach! 

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Monday- In GP- Seems little grandbaby is aching to get out! So kelsey is in labor right now. We are heading to GP in a couple of hours here. 

Tuesday I may still be in GP if wee one is born. 

Wednesday- still not sure. I do have two days in lieu not sure if i will take them all in a row or... 

Thursday- Zama 

Friday-High Level, Zama or La Crete?? Just not sure.

A few people are out 

June 18- Bonnie is out
June 22 Bonnie is out
Jenine has some time in lieu to take. 

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Think About these things. 

  • Report cards are due next Wed.
  • Diplomas are still being written
  • PATS being written this week
  • Finishing courses we have a stragglers that are finishing courses. We always do but you know the student, the ones who still have materials out are our really hard working kids and we will give them some lee way. 
  • Clean up our buildings- Lets go through our buildings and get rid of the stuff we dont need. Getting organized is key to starting next year off right.
  • We are saying good bye to Darren, Petra, Levi and Eric. It's been the best team ! Thank you for all you've done. We say hello to Allan Spelrem, Anna Lise Dyck and Linda Friesen. I am still searching for Petra's replacement, a girl will call me Monday and we have applications for Levi's job.  
  • Zama- we are moving the last of the items from the portables into the main building. 
  • Courses over the summer- That is not happening unless we have talked it over. We have given out a couple of things but only a couple in rare cuircumstances. 
  • Intervention checks- You can't work with us next year with out it. Take the time during the school day to get it done. 
  •  Registrations- people are coming in wnating to register kids for next year- by all means do that. We welcome these new students. 
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Enjoy your week.

I know I will enjoy mine. 



  1. You are probably super excited to see the grandbaby, enjoy your time in G. P.


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