Five Fabulous Days

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So... It is that we are down to four and a half fabulous days before Christmas Holidays, yippee!!!

We are so ready! The students are so ready. 

Some tips for Christmas gatherings:

  • Are the words you are saying pulling you together as a family?
  • Are you honoring your Christmas Traditions?
  • Are you ready beforehand so you can enjoy Christmas stress free?
  • Are you staying within your budget? We don't want to have a budget hangover in January! 
  • Is rest and relaxation on your list? 
  • Will you go outdoors and breathe in the fresh cool air? 
Just a few things for you to think about as you prepare to host friends and family. 

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So What happened?
That's what people will be asking Chad as he is donning 6 stitches. He has a story to tell you. Hoping those stitches heal up and don't leave a huge scar!!

You Are Doing What??
Chris has been asked to teach chemistry 30 at the High School during quad 4. His position at our school will be covered for  afternoons from April 24 to June 20th. Chris is super excited to teach his love, chemistry. Those kids will be excited to have Chris teaching them!! 

Way To Go, You Got This!

Leah is taking the educational assistant training starting January 7th. We are thrilled to be able to follow her through this training. You Got This Leah!!

You Are Going Where???
I am going recruiting from January 21st to January 29th. I will be recruiting in Moncton and in Halifax. While down east I will visit Steve's 83 and 85 year old parents. I will stay and extra day to visit with them. 

Chad is also recruiting to Edmonton at the end of January. 

They Want Us TO DO WHat???

Seems the CRM people are impressed with our CRM practice, format etc... and want us to present at their conference in Edmonton in April. Does this interest you? We may also be able to take this presentation to our OEC conference in September. 

How Many Christmas Hampers Delivered???

In High Level we will deliver 65 Christmas baskets to families in need this year. Our Fort Vermilion crew will deliver one hamper to a family in need. We will deliver that tomorrow. Our High level Students were superstars in the caring and giving category this year. They helped for 6 hours at the Santa Workshop. The next week they wrapped and organized hampers for 6 more hours. Impressive people who give to others freely. 

You Are Teaching What????? You are kidding right? 

Nope we are not kidding. Leah and I are going to teach a course entitled, " Stupid Things People Do With Their Money!" We are scheduling it for January. If you want bus to come to your school and teach it too, we will come. 
We will incorporate Fn 1010 and these learnings to help students have a sound view of money. We are psyched to teach it. Will get my husband the banker to do a short talk too! 

I can't think about Diploma's now, I'm Tired... BUT YOU HAVE TO!!!!

 Please prepare your people for their diplomas the week after we return. Did you give them writing exemplars? 
Have they got exam bank passwords? Do they know when the tests are? Have they got a class mark? Are they digitally writing?

Santa's Grey Sleigh is Coming Around to You...

I will be making my rounds to deliver a Christmas treat to you. Jenine, I'm figuring out when I can come. My sleigh is fast, we will make it work. 

4 students accepted to dual programs 

Great news we have two students from High Level and two students form Fort Vermilion who are taking part in dual credit opportunities in the new year. 

Dual Student Victory in Rainbow
Jenine saw a student struggling and after talking to the school for permission, put in the accomodation of a scribe .... the school began using a scribe too and this marks have shot up to 74%. He is now passing courses he was failing. Way to go Jenine, another victory to add to your long list. 

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Monday meeting with probation am.
Tuesday- Fort Vermilion Christmas gathering
Wednesday- High Level family Christmas meal , family party. 
Thursday- Christmas Hamper delivery with students in High Level. 
Friday- La Crete am. High Level pm. depending on weather. 

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That was so cool!

Several students came carolling to my house Saturday Night. Who knew that carollers sing on key? Not me! They were beautiful singers! 

So it is that all is calm and all is well with our schools. Chad and I wish you all the very best break possible. You deserve many blessings this Christmas Season.

Stay safe.   
See the source image


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