You Can Listen As Well As You Hear...

Such a telling song. I chose the version with the lyrics showing. This is a lovely poem put to music. 

So don't yield to the fortunes
You sometimes see as fate
It may have a new perspective
On a different day
And if you don't give up, and don't give in
You may just be okay.

Our students need to hear it may just be okay. We/ they need conversations with each other. Don't give up, don't give in. This is true for us. We have better weeks than others and we don't give up, don't give in, we might just be okay. 

Not sure why that song just played and played in my mind all weekend. Now it can leave, as I am passing it on to you. Great song. 


Linda is out Friday as are Jennifer and perhaps Eva. 


Monday LTM central office
Tuesday- Fort Am- High Level for meeting in PM. 
Wednesday- High Level- gift wrapping christmas hamper toys
Thursday- La Crete
Friday- Christmas staff get together- starts at 11:00. Lunch will be brought in. Bring $20 instead of gift exchange we are going to donate it to a needy cause. Perhaps Christmas hampers.

What's happening this week. 

Not everyone is celebrating. This time of year for many is a sad time of year. I bumped into a friend the other day and she was in tears. She was in tears because it was the anniversary of the death of her grandfather. Spoke to another person and realised that this is a terrible time for those with mental illness, as they are being bombarded with gathering requests and all they want to do is hide. Be aware, not everyone is celebrating at Christmas time. 

There was a bus accident this week. A bus went in the ditch. No one was hurt. We take from this some procedural things. When something happens with children involved you will always call 911, then central office. Then look after those by calming them down. 
Can never go wrong dealing in that way. 

A student hit a teacher this week. It was handled well. Call was made to me then to RCMP, then to parent. Stories were recorded. Staff member was taken to hospital. Central office was notified. This week we will make decisions with the student being included. Can't go wrong when you handle things well and call the right people. Calm is cool...

Evaluation schedule is a little behind. I take notes as I work with you. I am ready to complete several evaluations and need more observations for a few people. No worries.

Several Christmas get togethers are happening in the next two weeks. Please be sure to include everyone. People whom we think may not attend, may surprise us. 

Diploma prep. After christmas day students will have lots of time to prep for diplomas. Showing them exemplars is key, examples of good writing read by students gives then a boost. As teachers that is our responsibility to prepare our students for diplomas. No one should be shocked when they walk into a diploma. This may mean you have to contact your diploma writers, ensure accommodations are in place. Teacher would also have contacted kids to find out who wants to write digitally. In each location there is a digital writers list to fill out. 

Energy level differential, so it is, at this time of year that staff energy levels are near rock bottom yet student's energy levels are sky high. That's an energy differential and it can be terrible if left unchecked. So staff bring their energy level up a bit by eating more, sleeping more, getting their home stuff done, by exercising, by clearing off their desks, by planning well. We harness student's energy levels in the right direction. The other day Bonnie offered extra success bucks for students completing modules. Kids used all their energy to earn those bucks. A great way to use their energy for good. So much work got done that day. 

Internet Abuse- Is there a student who never works, who is on their phone constantly hasn't handed in any work. Well You have the power to take a kid off the computer and off their phones. You just disable it. Last week Leah and I asked a student to put their phone away after two hours of play. He didn't listen we took him off phone access and chromebook access. If someone is showing signs of an addiction, it's easy just let ask them to turn it off and get back to work, if they don't do it, just restrict their access for a day or two. Easy. We have only a FEW kids that would fit into this category. The majority of our kids go back and forth very comfortably and we have no problems if they get work done. 


  1. I saw beauty yesterday as my kids played below the trees and shook the hoar frost off the branches onto their heads. I saw beauty this morning when my daughter took and extra moment to don a hint of makeup, and earrings before school (so out of character for her.)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This weekend Heather shoveled her Grandmas sidewalks and filled her outside bird feeders. It's beautiful to see kids doing things for their elders (or anyone in that matter) with only the expectation of a smile or a thank you.

  4. Last week, my best friend celebrated her 43rd chronological birthday, but her first cancer-free birthday since her diagnosis a year and a half ago. She was in Edmonton on her birthday getting scans done, and they came back clear. Best birthday gift ever! Now that is beautiful!!

  5. I saw beauty in my backyard with the trees coated in frost and the birds flocking to the feeders, especially the Blue Jays and Pine Grosbeaks.

  6. I heard the children sliding on the Chinchaga hill while I was in my backyard. It is great to hear people getting along, having a great time and I am assuming they were not on their technology. Nothing like the laughter of children.

  7. I see beauty when my children play well together and are all happy! Also the host frost is amazing this year!

  8. I saw beauty in bringing my family together on the weekend for a Chicken and Rib dinner to celebrate three December birthdays!

  9. I also see beauty in the winters here! The snow is beautiful. Getting to see the night sky in NL is a rare treat, but here we get to see it clearly all the time. I've also found beauty this year in being able to face time with my family while I'm away. I got to laugh with my little nephew yesterday.


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